
Responses from mikelavigne

Digital Audio Denmark convertors
hi Alan,for the Denmark in my system it was mostly hi-rez 'just recorded' files from the hard-drive that was being used to store the recordings off my Rockport. these were played back and then directly compared to the Rockport played straight.then... 
Digital Audio Denmark convertors
i have had both the Digital Audio Denmark in my system and the Berkeley too.the Denmark was in my system last spring when Crna39 (the poster 4 posts above this post) was in my room doing a recording for FIM off my Rockport tt. there was also a Pac... 
10 Great Classical LP's
Hi Rush,i could not agree more with your Mercury, Speakers Corner and Lyrita recs. it's all good and these are all excellent Lps which i have aquired too. i just figured that the Classic Records RCA's was the right place to start for a Classical n... 
10 Great Classical LP's
15 years ago i was getting 'back' into vinyl after 15 years away....and i wanted to get into classical music for the first time. so i had no knowledge of the music and especially of the best Lps to purchase. in some ways i was lucky. at that same ... 
Reel to Reel Restoration/Repair
there is a great website where your questions can be answered, The Tape Project Forum. here is a link;http://www.tapeproject.com/smf/index.phpon that page there is a great primer on reel to reel tape recorder basics you can read hereregarding find... 
Best "dark side of the moon"
prefer the UHQR. but the VTA must be 'just right'. the regular MoFi is also very good and very VTA sensitive.as this is not exactly a perfect natural recording, who is to say what is right. it becomes a bit of a taste issue. then maybe whether one... 
So Much "Harshness"
in it's simplest form; harshness is when our ears tell us a sound is not natural. typically it is an aspect of the sound that is like finger nails on a chalk board; we kinda tense up until it stops. sometimes it jumps out; somnetimes it is subtle ... 
Platter Upgrade for Garrard 301
But the issue between us was the opposition between Rockport and Garrard 301Hummmmmm.Nandric; i don't really see any issue between us. we are simply having fun enjoying communicating about wonderful tt's that make great music. for my part; i am la... 
running full range or not full range...huh?
hi Dan,there are a few different answers to your question depending on the context of the question.--after reading other posts and questions of yours it appears that you are asking about subwoofer integration for a 2-channel analog system and not ... 
Revamp Garrard 301, keep Oracle V or move along?
thanks Jonathan for the clarification. 
Revamp Garrard 301, keep Oracle V or move along?
Jonathan; thanks for the response, i appreciate it. if i am reading your post correctly it seems that what your 'new' version will offer is a simplified and less expensive version of what i have (with the current UPS 301 AR) with equal performance... 
Revamp Garrard 301, keep Oracle V or move along?
since my Garrard is 50hz/220v i have only heard it with my Loricraft UPS 301 AR.....although i understand it makes a considerable difference in the performance. i certainly like how it sounds but have no context of not using it.obviously it plugs ... 
production or reproduction
there is no wrong when it comes to music reproduction. OTOH if one chooses to pursue musical truth and something resembling the way live acoustical music really sounds then you need to pursue neutrality in a room, speakers, amps, preamps, and cabl... 
Revamp Garrard 301, keep Oracle V or move along?
Nkj, thanks for the kind comments. Steve's e-mail address is vetterone@msn.com. i have not yet had a 12" arm in my system. Steve is nearing completion of my Technics SP-10 Mk3 plinth and i'm leaning toward the 12" SME 312s for it initially (Albert... 
Off topic: Water ionization
i'm not sure how water ionization relates to audio; but i manage a large Honda Auto Dealership. we use 'de-ionized' water for washing cars in our mechanical car wash and also for a wash truck we use for washing used cars.i have never heard of 'ion...