
Responses from mikelavigne

AC Outlet w/ Clairity, Trasparency, Bass Weight
relating to the concept of 'leanness' is the issue of 'bloat'. when bass becomes over ripe or boomey then that is a much bigger problem than a touch of leanness. and some power products particularly power cords can just sound too heavy. there is a... 
Schroeder Reference Arm
Thom, you are welcome. i'd like to say i don't consider myself in league with Frank or Joel in judgement of cartridge performance. i also want to point out that i have not spoken to Joel about the use of the A90 for this process and cannot say tha... 
Schroeder Reference Arm
Frank,i'll arrive Thursday evening; hopefully that is early enough to do what you need to do. if necessary, i'd consider shipping it to you a few weeks prior. whatever we need to do in the interests of the proper process. 
Schroeder Reference Arm
as an owner of 2 Ortofon A90's and having mounted them on 4 different arms so far with great success including the Talea and Triplaner here's one vote for the A90 as the common choice of cartridge.i would volunteer to bring one of mine broken in (... 
SOTA Cosmos or Garrard 301 ?
i have 3 turntables of which 1 is a Dobbins' plinthed, Loricarft powered, Garrard 301. it also has a Dobbins platter and Kokomo bearing. even though the other 2 tt's are better in some ways, the Garrard connects best with the music with many liste... 
Why mono?
Would each of you state if your experience with variability in mono playbacks happens with newer mono reissues, with older original monos, or with both?as far as early 50's to mid-60's Classical and Jazz, and a few pop/rock; they are simply better... 
Why mono?
Thom,you wrote;BTW, Mike L. inadvertently added an extra zero. The Myajima mono series of cartridges runs in the $900 to $1,200 range (there are three mono cartridges in the line).my use of $11,000 referred to my Lyra Olympos, not the Miyajima Pre... 
Why mono?
read this....about Miyajima Mono cartridgesthe translation from Japanese makes for interesting reading but it makes some good points. 
Why mono?
Zaikesman,ok, here are a few reasons to go for a Mono cartridge.--music. early 50's thru early 60's Lps contain among the very best all time musicians and recordings. many only in mono.--lower noise. a true mono cartridge will be quieter in the gr... 
Ortofon MC A90 Cartridge VTF
no negative affects with either of my A90's with VTF's still around 1.80 grams. one is on a Reed 2P and the other on a Talea. they sound great. 
Replace my Technics SH-10B3 Obsidian SP10 base?
i've owned both the SP-10 Mk2 and SP-10 Mk3, both with the Obsidian plinths. i had Steve Dobbins build both of these tt's new plinths....and i sold the Obsidian plinths and never looked back. i've since sold the Mk2 but still have (and love) the D... 
Why mono?
to echo Jazdoc's comments; i too have the Miyajima Premium Be Mono. it's mounted on my Reed 2P arm on my Garrard 301. it did take some time to break in; and demanded a good setup to sound optimal.most of my mono Lps sound better on this $1100 reta... 
Graham Phantom B44 2 or Taela ?
Syntax, that's a great story. which brings to mind....as Joel Durand was conceptualizing the Talea (before it had a name) he started with a vision of a violin bow as a tonearm. he even worked with a bow maker to help to understand the shapes and p... 
Rilou,I would like to know on what musical spectrum such talk is better than her rivalsi answered that with the fourth post in this thread here.and also what quality of components and manufacturing and completly made in US?i answered that with the... 
Thank you for trying to convince me with the values of the device you recommend me to purchase such as PD. WHY ?.again; i'm not sure what you are asking but i will try to respond.WHY? why do i write about the Playback Designs? it's what we do here...