
Responses from mikelavigne

JBL Synthesis SDP-75
i own the Trinnov Altitude 16 processor for the Home Theater. the SPD-75 is a re-badged version of the Trinnov Altitude 32, which is very similar.Audiogon is the wrong place to ask about the JBL Synthesis SPD-75. the SPD-75 (Trinnov) is the most c... 
Best material for an isolation platform?
look at this question as including the rack and floor type. the isolation base is going to just be one part of the equation. is the floor resonating with the music?if you have a suspended wood floor, first thing is to consider is solving the flex ... 
Classical music listening... what is a better source High Rez or Vinyl?
when the vinyl playback tools and the vinyl pressings are top notch the vinyl classical music reproduction experience is unsurpassed. of my approximately 3000 Classical Lps, this magic happens maybe 60% of the time. my best sounding 45rpm classica... 
Your Top 10...Are the majority from when you were a teen?
not even remotely close.i’m a child of the 60’s, graduated High School in 1969. so yes; my rock sweet spot is definitely 60’s and 70’s rock. but my tastes and main listening now is classical 60% and jazz 30% both of which i did not know about or w... 
Why Do So Many Audiophiles Reject Blind Testing Of Audio Components?
i’ve challenged blind testing advocates to show me a system that equals or exceeds the performance of my system using only blind testing as a system building method.all i heard was crickets. zero response. blind testers don’t assemble systems usin... 
Why Do So Many Audiophiles Reject Blind Testing Of Audio Components?
how much do you want to know about it?here is a Stereophile article about the highs and lows of Blind Testing.https://www.stereophile.com/features/141/index.htmlpersonally i have zero interest in blind testing as tool for system building.but i hav... 
Is it a Merger or Bust?
the answer all depends on your expectations, for either 2 channel or multi-channel/Home Theater. are you all in on one, or both?i have 2 completely separate systems both quite all in. my 2-channel is more all in.and know that your father’s discret... 
What To Replace A Pair Of Lamm Ml2 Monoblocks With? Need More Power
years ago i switched from tube amps to darTZeel solid state.....that was Tenor OTL 75 watt tubes amps. you can find used dart 108's at reasonable prices. if you are serious about wanting the purity and refinement of tubes, but want the linearity a... 
The Best Live Recordings on Youtube
my recent favorite, watch it about every other week. a cure for what ails you. from heaven.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1ZL5AxmK_Aa close second....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltCULQ-e6tc 
Headphone amp connection
back 10 years ago when i had my Playback Designs digital, and my darTZeel preamp, i had a BHSE headphone amp and Stax 009 headphones. you would think that the Playback Designs would sound better direct to the BHSE, but it did not work that way. th... 
Don't get it, why anyone would ask others "what sounds best"?
Me, I can only stand in awe at your Zen-like power to flip the tables toppling Levinson and Krell from the peak of the pyramid to a dead end. Which they are, but I’d be attacked for saying it while Mike Lavigne on the other hand will come off sme... 
Don't get it, why anyone would ask others "what sounds best"?
for a number of years i did rely on reviews and feedback from others for guidance. and it got me to a dead end of Mark Levinson electronics and Wilson speakers. essentially high end brick and mortar sound. it was good, but not satisfying. that was... 
Headphone amp connection
most headphone amps have their own volume attenuation. but few have remotes. so whether you want to use a remote or not, which might depend on how close you sit to the headphone amp, will determine whether you use a variable output from your pream... 
amazing video about listening, in a very special heartfelt way.
love all the comments.i'm inspired to appreciate Bob's love for the music and his belief in what he hears as real and valuable. so beautiful. he is not ambiguous. and nature finds a way. 
Most rooms don’t need acoustical treatment.
it all depends on your expectations for good sound. who is to say what you like, or what you will put up with. lots of my top musical moments have zero to do with the fidelity, and everything to do with who i was with and what i was doing. top dow...