
Responses from mikelavigne

Cartridge ISOLATION; What Say You?
for the stylus to read the groove "successfully" the whole system of..........floor, rack, shelf, plinth, platter, tonearm base, bearing, arm wand, cartridge plate, and screws need to be tuned together. each step has to be right......if one step i... 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
sure; the year was 1976, the speakers were Bose 901’s.https://www.tonepublications.com/review/we-review-the-bose-901/my daughter was 9 months old and crawling all over, so i hung them from the ceiling. hanging 901’s was not unheard of. 901’s had t... 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
i don’t think you can generalize what is an ideal speaker-floor interface method across all speaker types and floor types; that is a mistake.how my 750 pound each (x4), twin tower, Evolution Acoustic MM7’s work on 6 inches of concrete is different... 
Solid state - How wide can 3D image go
soundstaging is much more about your room acoustics (size, shape, control of reflective surfaces), speaker set-up, and the elimination of distortion than media types. certainly source electronics are also involved. the idea is that when system set... 
How are most audiophiles going from streamers to DACS
at the top of the food chain it’s USB. the top dacs and servers are optimized for USB. it’s where companies like MSB are designing proprietary interfaces for USB optimization and servers like the Taiko Extreme have custom USB output cards. USB is ... 
The Raven Has Landed
@millercarbon We don't exactly sell tickets. One of the attendees this year had a great idea, the Millercarbon tax. Payable in Black Butte Porter. Or Widmer Hefeweizen. Either one, or both? So many details involved in planing these things. Rest a... 
Bass sensation like a loud car system in home?
@fiesta75 mikelavigne - That’s a very nice system, I’m envious. Why did you delete your post? I’d like to learn more, how do you know it’s -3dB at 7Hz. and -6dB at 3Hz., was that correct? the reason i deleted my post is upon re-reading the origina... 
Ultrasonic LP Cleaning vs. “Thread Type” Cleaning (Keith Monks/Loricraft/etc.)
i’ve owned 7 RCM’s. the VPI 16.5, 2 different Loricraft PRC4 Delux’s, the Audiodesk (3 different ones). and currently only use the KLaudio RCM.agree that thread type RCM’s have the best potential performance since you can also use chemicals with t... 
Small form factor integrateds
this one is hard to beat the more you look at it. Linear Tube Audio Z10e will power sensitive (above 90db) speakers, and any headphone out there. and it’s not ordinary sounding. not cheap, but won’t break the bank, sold direct. an ’end game’ produ... 
Dolby Atmos - is it for Audiophiles?
@brianlucey it’s interesting to read your perspective, as you have one of the best 2 Ch and likely best Atmos set ups in the worldI mean what makes anyone think the normal music enjoying person wants to add more and more speakers? Will there be mo... 
Put fun back into Hometheater+Music
@tomic601  Mike - nice to see your good attitude here, i am sorry i missed the gig you had recently……will pm, hopefully a rain check… Tom, sorry you could not make it last time. you would be welcome any time. i hope it's soon.cheers,Mike 
Put fun back into Hometheater+Music
i am music delivery system agnostic. even media agnostic. only positive passion. i don't feel negative passion about anything regarding music.by that i mean i like/love it all. i embrace 2 channel music of every format as it fits my circumstance, ... 
Analog Upgrade - Where to start?
with vinyl set-up can many times be maybe the easiest leap forward. if you are not expert on that, then if you know someone who can make sure you are hearing everything your present set-up can do that is a good place to start.i do agree that your ... 
Speaker Cables? why all the hype for expensive speaker wire?
there are so many variables in judging cables that an open ended question like that is unanswerable (although it will get lots of answers). and unlimited cynicism and sarcasm......the way of Audiogon on these types of threads.not all systems/conte... 
quiet classical music
@hilde45  I like Mike's suggestions for listening above, but for me 5 Beethoven Piano Concertos and Beethoven and Mahler symphony recordings would never remain "in the background." i think the point where that music can be complimentary to readi...