
Responses from mikelavigne

Best Server To Run Roon Core
music reproduction performance never is a price/value/performance linear proposition. in any format.neither is wine, scotch, or sailboats.....race cars or airplanes.and the Taiko Extreme is not $35k either. in the universe of $50k--$150k dacs, $10... 
Best Server To Run Roon Core
if you actually want the best possible server for Roon core, then that would be the Taiko Audio SGM Extreme. it’s a 100 pound beast.https://taikoaudio.com/taiko-2020/product/sgm-extreme-high-end-music-server/you will wait 6 weeks for it (there is ... 
What makes speaker's sound big?
i find that scale to music comes from the speakers being properly matched to the room so the music can breathe. the music needs to be able to properly open up and become coherent. then the speakers and amps also need to be properly matched. and to... 
Room acoustics - Spending and sound videos
i’m in the middle of the ordering process with GIK for my separate Home Theater room and got those same videos.i’ve spent the last 16 years tweaking my dedicated acoustically designed 2 channel room so i have some level of understanding about room... 
Will Step Up Transformer Improve the Sound Quality?
@millercarbon In general though I think unless it is a very low output cartridge then the odds are about equal to screw it up as make it better. it was great to listen with you Friday night, enjoyed meeting your wife.just FYI, everything you hear... 
How to go about collecting Classical Music
don’t collect it, stream it.i’m 69 years old, and love Classical Music. i do happen to own plenty of Classical CD’s, SACD’s, and vinyl.but if i was jumping into it now i would absolutely put streaming Roon + Quboz + Tidal at the top of my list. th... 
Mono vs. Stereo
another aspect of mono vinyl playback is the groove size. early wide groove mono’s are optimized with a 1.0 mil stylus, later (after the mid 60’s) cut with a stereo cutter head are optimal with a 0.7 mil stylus. it makes a significant difference i... 
6000 dollars CD player
i’d buy this one for that price range.https://www.usaudiomart.com/details/649699193-dcs-puccini-sacd-player-silver-120v-ac-input/don’t know the seller; just noticed it yesterday and then just saw this thread. i had been thinking if i wanted to spi... 
"Musical" subwoofers? Advice please on comparing JL subs
in phase and in time matters at all frequencies, if we are talking optimization. how perfect do you want it? mostly this matters as a result of how dynamic we expect to run our systems. at low SPL’s no doubt time is less an issue since the negativ... 
Tim deParavicini has passed away
wow! very sad news. R.I.P. Tim. he touched many aspects of our high fidelity lives when you consider all his modifications to the recording and mastering gear.i owned a dPv modified Technics RS-1700 RTR deck for a number of years. fine sounding un... 
I'm pretty excited about my new room i'm building
hey Ray,congrats on the very fun and satisfying process of room building. i loved it for my room. i’ve now been in my purpose built room for 16 years, and it only took 10 years, and lots of changes to my supposedly 'perfect' room, to figure it out... 
pre-amps for home theatre....whats your preference?
my 2 channel credentials are tip top. i’m as dedicated a 2 channel/analog guy as there is. yet.......i’ve just jumped up from the ’nice’ Anthem AVM60 7.1.4 processor in my separate Home Theater, to the big boy very serious Trinnov Altitude 16 dsp ... 
what are your cartridge set up go to
Best Tractor/Mint Lp glass dedicated template is my alignment tool of choice, but i have a few more including the Feikert on my shelf gathering dust. the Mint Lp removes all ambiguity from the process. fool proof.https://mintlp.com/best.htmi use t... 
Tone arm holes do not line up - best way to attach TT?
you are going to have one shot at the hoop with tape, there is no second chance at proper location. think about some sort of guide pins to get it exactly right the very first time. 
Tone arm holes do not line up - best way to attach TT?
Another way to go might be to find a thin template of wood you could screw down into the existing arm pod, that would accept wood screws to attach the Reed. You might need some washers to avoid the screw going too deep.this is assuming you have su...