
Responses from mikelavigne

System building; a meditation
@sandthemall Anyway, I believe the room is like a fingerprint. Even if you build a dedicated listening room, you are simply building a better fingerprint. Symmetry helps but nothing neutral about it. But, yes it would be nice to have a dedicated l... 
System building; a meditation
@dcevans Mike— where might I find the article you wrote that Patrick referenced? i wrote this article in 2004. honestly building the room was simple compared to how much i had to learn and grow, with lots of mistakes along the way, to finally ge... 
Is it ever enough?
i’m at that end game point in my system building journey......and am about to retire in a year or so. so it’s asset allocation time. do i want to continue to have as much in my hifi commitment (including my separate hifi building), or do i cash in... 
System building; a meditation
@patrickdowns Hi. I have bookmarked and PDF'd the article which details the build you did of your listening room in your barn and have re-read it many times. Amazing room and system -- to die for. I recall it's in the PNW where I am, and if you w... 
System building; a meditation
Bill, i think what we call ’coloration’ has a wide variance from person to person like you say. maybe it comes down to expectations for big music. when i had my Koetsu RSP for 10 years, or my Lamm ML3’s for 6 months, neither would be my answer for... 
System building; a meditation
since i jumped away from Mark Levinson and Wilson Audio in 2001, into Kharma speakers and Tenor OTL amplifiers, my guiding principle of system building has been to get the system out of the way of the music. and when i make a change in gear, or ro... 
why do so many discussions turn contentious?
frequent posters here bring their baggage and agenda’s with them, which is the opposite of seeking knowledge or good intensions.running jokes on other threads quickly fill up space on new ones.....for people with no lives outside Audiogon.threads ... 
The value of embellishment?
wood......leather.....wool.....cotton.....paper.i do find that natural materials can do positive things for sound. but it's so contextual that hard to make absolute statements.these materials are tools and are valid things to use. 
Biggest "bang for the buck" audio gear you have owned(in your history)?
Placette passive Remote Volume Control--replaced a $15k Mark Levinson preamp back in 2001 and sounded better. $1295.http://www.placetteaudio.com/remote_control.htmused it for 3 years and loved it in the context of a $250k system. 
Question about sound proofing: Home Theater in a townhouse
you cannot generalize about how effective your situation is unless you test it. unlikely it will be sufficient to allow for reasonable listening without considerable sound leakage. and restrict your sound levels and listening time flexibility. if ... 
Referent point
@tubebuffer Make me so frustrating can’t even get reference correct in title of post. methinks Mozartfan is in an alternate universe, oblivious on many levels.suppose it has it’s advantages. 
Referent point
@onhwy61i think few mouth-breathing mono-brow audiophiles will know what the Mendoza Line is. and that is not the bottom, more the beginning of the bottom. i was a Mariner fan in the late 70’s and early 80’s, when Mario and his wonder glove roamed... 
Referent point
wait just a minute.why aren’t you ’Beethovenfan’? instead of Mozartfan?don’t you know that Beethoven is the reference, not Mozart?there will be no agreed upon reference. this is all personal preference. the best we can do is consider which brands ... 
Sound room lighting
agree lighting is an important consideration.it might help to check out my system pictures for some ideas. i have some pictures that are dark in the room but with some spot lighting on my turntables. just click on my name, and choose details. i’m ... 
Critical listening and altered states
these arguments are much about words and semantics. if we all were talking face to face and could work out our exact meanings our differences would be minor.but no doubt they are enjoyable exercises as long as we don't take ourselves too seriously...