
Responses from mikelavigne

quiet classical music
@jayctoy Mike what are your 10 Ten classical vynil you like to listen on a daily basis? my classical vinyl choices are in a wide rotation; rarely played more than once a month. i am likely to sample different performances of the same composition,... 
Subwoofer connection conundrum
Audiogon is a decent place to ask subwoofer questions. certainly plenty of subwoofer users here. but if you want to get deeper into choices and alternatives the AVS Subwoofer forum is a much more robust and serious forum about subwoofers. you will... 
quiet classical music
all 5 Beethoven Piano Concertos, Beethoven and Mozart Piano Sonatas, anything Debussy.....particularly "Images". Haydn string quartets, Segovia guitar recordings. John Tavner (The Protecting Veil and others). that’s just a small sampling of non vo... 
How are you getting your surround sound?
you have discrete multi-channel, plus object based multi-channel (Dolby Atmos type prscesses). they are different and need different tools to use.then there are the media types.--blue ray discs--Dolby Atmos--4k blue ray discs----Dolby Atmos--Roon/... 
Virtual Systems
it’s a shame that Virtual System posts do not get listed in the "recent posts" link so we can all pay more attention to all these interesting systems. there is much to learn.the way it is now Virtual Systems is a ’posting’ dead end and so it’s in ... 
Best preamp with built in phono stage?
hi Mike,here is a link to my system which shows three different tt systems. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/615i also have a 4th tt system i’ve not added the pictures yet; an EMT948/Durand Kairos/Miyajima Infinity Mono 0.7 mil stylus.currentl... 
Best preamp with built in phono stage?
darTZeel NHB-18NS battery powered preamp. Swiss; built like a tank if the tank was built by Rolex.i have owned this preamp in 2 versions since 2006, now with version 2 since 2016. great internal phono stage. my 18NS has 2 of these phono stages ins... 
Blown away by a vinyl version of a CD?
if you think the vinyl version of JATPS is good compared to the CD, you should hear a good 15ips 1/4" master dub tape transfer of it on a high quality master recorder tape deck.JATPS is an audiophile war horse, and not musically everyone’s cup of ... 
Dolby Atmos - is it for Audiophiles?
@mijostyn See Mike, even you think the theater folks are second class citizens :-)Your 2 way system is not pure analog as I do believe you have described playing CDs and digital files. not sure how you can make that case. having a digital source i... 
Dolby Atmos - is it for Audiophiles?
what is Dolby Atmos?basically it’s object based reproduction, as opposed to discrete channels. which means it uses dsp to steer objects through the soundfield instead of discrete separate channels.the benefit is that it scales really well to highe... 
Complete Proprietary Systems
Aries Cerat.......and Genesis Loudspeakers. both are state of the art cost no object brands.brands you will rarely encounter on AudiogoN. i think Aries Cerat does cables too, but do not advertise them. Genesis Cables use the Absolute Fidelity bran... 
What is the sound level of Your Listening Room?
i have a room built on concrete, inside another room, inside a barn, 75 feet from my home, in the middle of 5 acres, in the mountains, away from any urban activity.so zero outside ambient noise comes in. no mechanical systems in the structure to s... 
So how can a great system solve less than great recordings
@mapman Perhaps those who have heard well made digitally remastered versions of those otherwise obtuse early mono releases on phono. 😉 the point being of course that those early mono recordings were never obtuse; they simply required the proper t... 
So how can a great system solve less than great recordings
an easy example that illustrates how a great system can find the musical truth is what happens with early mono pressings. you might have a few laying around that someone gave you. you play them with your stereo cartridge and they might sound like ... 
So how can a great system solve less than great recordings
i think what great systems can do is to unravel and reveal the musical truth of more complicated dynamically challenging recordings that seem opaque, or harsh, or confused on lesser systems. this can be with any media type. but great systems canno...