
Responses from mike_in_nc

Quobuz - does anyone know if Quobuz will be adding DLNA as Streaming Protocol?
I’m using Android, too. You have entered your Qobuz login into BubbleUPnP in the settings, I suppose?BTW, you're using the original PSA Bridge, or the Bridge II? 
DAC Chips
I also think that what @goofyfoot said is an important point. It is as silly to judge a DAC by its chipset as by the thickness of the front panel. 
Absorb or Diffuse Behind Listening Position?
To answer the question you actually asked -- I repeat -- try something like the ASC Matrix Panel or RPG BAD panel. They are made for the application. The GIK Alpha line might work, too, but I’ve not tried it in that application (very close to the ... 
Quobuz - does anyone know if Quobuz will be adding DLNA as Streaming Protocol?
A pity that BubbleUPnP isn't working for you. Your phone and tablet are on the same network as the PS Audio unit? And the PS Audio shows up as a renderer in Bubble? I've been using it with Qobuz for quite a while now -- sending the audio to my DLN... 
Absorb or Diffuse Behind Listening Position?
I think a combination of absorption and fine-grained scattering would probably give best results. One option is the ASC Matrix Panel (as mentioned ty @asctim above). Based on the quality of their other products (I have plenty), I’m sure it’s a gre... 
Quobuz - does anyone know if Quobuz will be adding DLNA as Streaming Protocol?
What kind of device are you using as a DLNA control point? If an Android one, take a look at BubbleUPnP, which interfaces with Qobuz (and Tidal) to send it to a DLNA renderer such as the PSA Bridge. 
DAC Chips
When an 8-channel chip is used in a 2-channel application, the chip's extra channels typically are run in parallel. Assuming the noise and distortion are random (noise is; distortion may not be), running 4 channels of DAC in parallel should lower ... 
SPDIF cable same as coaxial cable?
There are many types of coaxial cable. SPDIF cables are typically made of coaxial cable ("coax") with a 75-ohm characteristic impedance.Regarding bandwidth, the SPDIF specs and those of the receiving and sending units are more likely to limit band... 
Think fast: What would you take?
We were ready to go, too. This is what we planned to take: Our suitcases. Plenty of water. Energy bars. Supplies for the cat (and the cat). Checkbook, wallet, credit cards, keys. As Dave said, photos of everything (on the phone). Chargers, cables;... 
Better Power Supply for a Router?
I agree that the iFi line is pretty good, and it’s cost effective.I am not sure that a better power supply on the router will make a difference for you. I’d be sure that you can return it if you don’t hear a difference.Another approach to this wou... 
App/Player for Bricasti DACs?
I auditioned the M5 as a DLNA renderer with BubbleUPnP, and it worked pretty well. It did display a few quirks -- if memory serves, in removing more than 1 track at a time from the play queue. Since none of the (msny) other renderers I've used wit... 
DAC Connections to streamer?
It depends entirely on the quality of each output from the streamer & the quality of each input in the DAC. So, you'll have to experiment with your own setup.Some streamers (e.g., Auralic, Allo) do allow USB connections.I use an Auralic stream... 
Total bass suck out at 40hz
Regarding phase, there are a several ways to adjust. Here are the two I think are best. In each one, you run ONE speaker and its associated sub at a time:1. Put a mic at the main listening position (MLP), run a sweep, and analyze with something li... 
Total bass suck out at 40hz
A 40 Hz null is typical of a room node, as noted. Here’s what worked in my room, where I use two subs and had a 43 Hz null. I moved the subs, measuring at each position. Putting furniture glides ("supersliders" under the feet helps with moving.) T... 
Musing - audiophiles that new just enough to be dangerous
The one who is dangerous likes A more than B in his system, and then proclaims loudly, as truth from on high, that A *is* better than B -- always, forever, and to anyone who can hear.That sort of baloney, spoken with authority, can send a lot of n...