
Responses from mike_in_nc

Upgrades that met/exceeded your expectations and those that felt short
Exceeded: Switching, years ago, from a conrad-johnson MF-2300 amplifier to a Bryston B14-SST. Wow! Everything was better: dynamics, clarity, bass, smoothness, imaging.Exceeded: Adding a Torus RM-20 power unit to feed my power amp. Despite my skept... 
That's a nice CD player!I have an Auralic Aries G1, and I like it a lot. I compared it to the Bricasti M5, and I couldn't tell the difference. They are both really good streamers. Of course, there are many others on the market, too. 
Parasound HINT vs. Bryston 135-3 or Simaudio 340i D3PX
Not everyone agrees with @stereo5 that the Bryston is bright. I have heard a couple of all-Bryston systems that were stunning. The cubed units are especially refined and NOT bright sounding. That is based on my own 4B3, and also dozens of reviews.... 
Amazon HD streaming service ...
I tried Amazon HD but dropped it. It would not let me get best-quality output on my PC, nor would it send output to a network renderer (streamer). If you look around, you will find those complaints repeated by many. That makes Amazon HD a great so... 
Different products entirely. Roon ROCK is software that can run on the Roon Nucleus, a small, silent computer for running Roon core (ROCK is a version of Roon core). I understand it also can have output to your DAC, so if it’s in the same room as ... 
Your system quality vs. recording quality
I tried it once, briefly, but I found Volumio easier to deal with. 
Amplifier warm up
Really? I'm the only one who thinks, seriously, that having dinner is going to change one's perceptions just as truly as an amplifier's warm-up?  (I know if I'm waiting to eat, I respond to music a lot less happily than after a nice dinner.) 
Help! Anthem STR preamp ARC sounds bad now compared to off
I can't believe the phasing is only applied to profile 1, that's crazy. I agree, and I consider it a bug. I was hoping that Anthem had fixed it by now. My subs have their own phase controls, which I adjusted by another method; the result is that... 
Acoustic panels: ATS vs GIK
In my experience, ASC has provided higher quality construction than GIK, but at higher cost. I’ve used both companies happily and also have a few BAD panels from RPG and some diffusers from Vicoustic. I have not used ATS yet; didn’t know they exis... 
Help! Anthem STR preamp ARC sounds bad now compared to off
@dtximages - Yes, the phase adjustment is applied only to Profile 1. That is documented exactly nowhere, but I discovered it when I noticed Profiles 2-4 were deficient in bass. (I've reported it to Anthem as a bug.) As I mentioned, you can use the... 
Help! Anthem STR preamp ARC sounds bad now compared to off
Hard to say, but if you post your PDF file, I’ll take a look. I have an STR preamp, also.Are you aware, the phase adjustment should be made with the mic at the main listening position,should be made AFTER you have uploaded the corrections,and AFTE... 
Amplifier warm up
Gear warms up, sure, = and you were more relaxed after dinner. Any chance you had a drink with it? 
Soundlab Dynastats
@decooney I hope to own a pair of nice SoundLabs some day. :) When I had the space, I didn’t have the funds. Now I have the funds (at least for a good used pair), I don’t have the space. Oh, well -- I hope you do get a nice pair! 
Soundlab Dynastats
You might try the Sound Lab Owners' Group.