
Responses from mike_in_nc

Upgrade preamp?
I don’t own, but have heard, a system with Bryston preamp and amps, and I thought there was great synergy. I’d suggest (as @soix did) that you at least listen to a Bryston preamp. (I have a 4B3 but use a different preamp because my room necessitat... 
Permanent carpet sliders?
I've got 'em under my subs. They are back savers! 
Best method to connect subwoofer to amp
I agree with @imhififan on this. People hold strong opinions on which way is better, but the diversity of opinion itself shows it's system- and listener-dependent. 
Proud Harbeth p3esr owner - need help tweaking/troubleshooting
I'm not currently a Roon user, and I don't know where it is. But I've been told it can oversample. I think it would be with other DSP settings, rather than specific to the device, but that's just a guess.Try Google! 
Proud Harbeth p3esr owner - need help tweaking/troubleshooting
Oh, one other thing. Have you tried having Roon oversample the digital data? The graphs I've seen of NOS DAC output from 44.1 kHz sources are pretty jagged. They get much better at quad rate (176.4 or 192 kHz). 
Proud Harbeth p3esr owner - need help tweaking/troubleshooting
The other thing that will tame harshness is attention to room acoustics. 
Proud Harbeth p3esr owner - need help tweaking/troubleshooting
I don’t know your DAC, nor the Croft, but I do have a pair of P3ESR, so I was curious about your dilemma.I don’t think it’s the wires. Wires are always the LAST place I’d look, and then only for very subtle changes. So please, don’t go spending a ... 
Best streamer given my constraints
I've been quite happy with my Auralic Aries G1. Auralic so far has not changed their products every few years. Even if they do, it's an excellent unit. 
I need to pick between A and B but I can't hear a difference is the worst type of thread.
It is an annoying question, as there is an obvious answer that every audiophile should know, at least every audiophile who reads The Absolute Sound: Get the more expensive one. 
Lumin D2 - Late the Table
You have a really nice system. Just remember, no streamer will work well if the network connection is not very good. Probably, as @nekoaudio audio says, an extender will work. Make sure you can return the Lumin if it doesn't. 
Sport Court as Listening Room?
Tall ceilings are wonderful for listening IME. It’s not ideal to have the same dimension for height and width, but it’s probably manageable.Since sport courts usually are fully enclosed, the room may accentuate bass peaks and nodes, though the lar... 
App/Player for Bricasti DACs?
On the PC, you can set the firewall to accept connections from the local network only (not the WAN, or Internet). I consider that safe. Does the Mac offer that?Regarding Kazoo, I don't know -- you could try. My understanding is that Linn uses Open... 
Automatic Room Correction has won the Subwoofer Wars
As mentioned, a too-common post in audio fora is, "I got a sub, and it doesn’t sound good. Help me!" Unfortunately, trying to integrate a sub without measurement capability is a fool’s errand. That’s a tough thing for a newbie to accept, one who h... 
PS Audio Direct Stream DAC w/Roon Nucleus + vs. Auralic Vega G1
DACs have gotten very good these days, so I’ll give the usual hackneyed advice: Try Before You Buy. A "better" DAC may not sound better to you.That said, I am an one who aims for neutrality -- not a warm sound, not emphasized treble. When I borrow... 
Location of instruments in the orchestra...
I've found that the apparent layout of instruments on classical recordings often is not what I'd expect. I suppose that at least in some cases, the sections are rearranged for ease of recording.