
Responses from mes

Audio Research REF600 MKI MKII
I've heard the 600's MKI and II, and personally found the 300MKII to be sonically superior without any noticeable difference in power. I think less tubes is simpler and sonically superior. And the 300 is "only" 30K, unless you can find one used. S... 
scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?
My modified 777 arrived Fri night. It's FAR too early to give a detailed impression, and frankly I don't consider myself qualified to do so. I don't have a golden ear and my vernacular is sorely lacking in describing what I hear. But I can tell yo... 
Room Acoustics
Thanx to the above. The problem is at 80-90 Hz on test CD's.The house is nearly 90 yrs old, tudor, built l like a tank with non-suspended floors concrete and walls concrete and plaster. You can jump up and down with no give and squeeks. Unfortunat... 
scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?
Richard from Audience just called me, my 777 mod is done and I should get it back Fri. He says it's great. Of course. I'll burn it in and A/B it with a couple of stock units and let you know. Detlof, get used to wait mode. Hopefully what I have to... 
Audiomecca Mephisto
Hey Bob, get off the internet and finish my Blowtorch. I'm anxious to see if the claim is true. Since I'm not particularly fond of BBQ, guess the odds are in my favor, no? Doc 
Don't try this at home hElP
Thanx for the thong idea, Jeff. I tried it and it certainly straightened my bottom end out. 
Don't try this at home hElP
What the hell, Bob, you told me the "pinch" marks on your "T"-shirts were from good looking Texas chicks!?! And are those high speed racing pliers? 
I have a DIY friend who bought some DH Labs cable and made up some se and balanced IC's and they are very good, particularly considering the price. Nearly competetive with some of the so called "best" and at a fraction of the cost. They benefit im... 
Van Alstine Omegastar Preamp Vs Klyne
Yes, just like a Huyndi will outperform a Benz. Because the dealer told me. 
NY Reunion
My reviewed is skewed in that I'v been a McCoy Tyner fan since the Coltrane days. This is, to me , kind of version 2 of "The Real McCoy", one of my favorite jazz recordings of all time. Joe Henderson is spectacular on both, makes me ALMOST not mis... 
Anyone tried Voodoo or TG Audio PCs?
I've stated in a few threads lately on this site that TG PC's are the best I've had in my system. I sold my Synergistic Des. Ref Sq., FIM Gold and Cobra PC's and outfitted my system with TG Cables, all for about the price of 1 of the aforementione... 
Bass traps/room treatments
I also use ASC products with excellent results. Highly recommended. I have Avalon speakers, and Avalon recommends Accustica Applicata treatments. Are any of you familiar with this co. or used their products? 
NY Reunion
Sometimes, John, those pesky flashbacks are the highlight of my day. Look out! what the hell is that yellow/orange/violet, solid/vapor crustacean looking..... Mark 
Are Sony SACD Machine Owners Crazy??
Oh, and owning a SACD player or not has nothing to do with my being crazy. I think it was something in the water where I grew up, yea, yea, the water,and my parents, and the school system, and my brother, yea my brother, that's the ticket..... 
Are Sony SACD Machine Owners Crazy??
I think the 2 questions you posed, 1)how can the units be so good, and 2) what will they do with your standard CD's are essentially rhetorical and theoretical, and whatever answers posed will be subjective from a given individuals perspective. Lis...