
Responses from mes

TAS new look-the end is near?
Can't speak for anyone else, but audio and the related magazines is, for me, entertainment and enjoyment. What was it about Fi Magazine? It was fun and entertaining. Certainly ones hopes for a modicum of accuracy and objectivity in a magazine, but... 
Would the Audio Aero Capitole better Theta
Cousindupree- Yes, I've heard them, albeit in somewhat disimilar setups. I prefer the Aero. Everything is relative, one mans giant is anothers dwarf. At 6K, the Aero isn't cheap, however vis-a-vie the 2 box units comprising top of the line Accupha... 
Mark Levinson's Guide to Better Sex
cfb- I think I recall the NY Times article mentioning something about Jeff Becks " Goin Down". 
Re thinking my system; where to start?
The Audio Aero Capitole is pricey, yes, but given that it can be run direct to your amp(s), it obviates the need for a pre-amp, given you're CD only. Add to this that it is a 1 box solution, you have no need for separate transport/ DAC and digital... 
Revised list: Best-of-Naxos classical catalog
Scott- Given the quality of your posts, I'm afraid most readers, myself inclusive, selfishly hope you don't get back to work all too soon :) That notwithstanding, good luck in your employment search, and once again, danke for the insiteful, meticu... 
Greatest Songwriter of all time
cfb-Yes, I have "Poet" also, quite good. I know TVZ didn't write any of the songs on "Cold Dog", but I thought some of the songs GC wrote on it were about, and a tribute to, TVZ. I also recall an article ( S'phile?) about CDS about a year or so ag... 
Revised list: Best-of-Naxos classical catalog
On rare occasions the dominant cynical region of my homunculus is overidden by admiration. So, after following your jazz and now classical forays, instead of my reflexive "you've obviously got too much time on your hands" comment, I have to say I'... 
Greatest Songwriter of all time
Warren ZevonVan MorrisonGreg BrownArguably not the best, but my favorites.Agree with cfb, G. Clarks Cold Dog Soup is great and a nice tribute to the late, great Townes Van Zandt. 
Mark Levinson's Guide to Better Sex
It was interesting that in an interview in one of the newspapers, ML was described as handsome in spite of gray hairs sprouting form his ears. I wonder if you need this tweak for the Red Rose gear to sound it's best. I think I'll have the barber s... 
Would the Audio Aero Capitole better Theta
Had a Jade transport to a Gen Va DAC. They were not even in the same league as the Capitole. 
I called Richard Vandersteen
Having read this and the related thread, it makes me wonder WHY so many people have to call? 
Got a melody running around in your head?
Must be G. Brown week- " spring wind blew my list of things to do away". 
I need some advice on speakers..
I don't know your price point, but I have a similarly sized room and had a pair of Piega P-10's which fit comfortably and unobtrusively, and sonically are one of the best I've heard in their price range and higher. 
Songs & Artists NEVER HEARD on the RADIO?
Quite right Jeff, bizarre and a shame. Such a good band, so little exposure in the US, even here where they land usually twice per tour. Frankly, half the audience at the shows are die hards from Canada who religiously make the trek, waving the Le... 
Songs & Artists NEVER HEARD on the RADIO?
Although quite popular here (NE OH), I don't recall ever hearing anything by The Tragically Hip. Different story, I assume, north of the border, eh?