
Responses from mes

Latest comments on PS Audio PP?
Sorry, that should read increased AC potential, not polarity. As Bones said to Kirk," damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a magician." And I'm not an electronics whiz, obviously, but I can hear, and the above is true. 
Latest comments on PS Audio PP?
FYI, I was told that the transformer boards on the P300 had a batch(s) with reversed wires on the transformer board which resulted in a switch between the neutral and line(hot) and subsequently out of phase with increased AC polarity. I checked th... 
Fly in the SACD Ointment?
Guessing the future of SACD has about the same positive predictive value as picking the Stanley Cup winner in the first round of the playoffs. Too many variables and entropy to make anything but an educated guess. In real estate, it's location, lo... 
See thread" Basis TT Opinions". Regards, Mark 
Who has actually listened to DVD audio?
To respond to the original question, and maintain a brevity is beautiful approach, after quite a bit of listening to all 3 formats, in my opinion: Vinyl sounds best, SACD is close on CERTAIN DSD recorded discs, and DVD-A follows up the rear. 
SACD Dominates Recommended List
Mikeg- I'm doin the whole enchilado, including Cabledriver, sans cords. I may audition the Powerchord and see, I'd be surprised(pleasantly) if it bests what I already have, but I'm open to that possibility. I must say my interaction with Richard a... 
SACD Dominates Recommended List
As has already been said, the only people who profit from the experience of others are biographers. That notwithstanding, here is my experience. I got a 777es as a birthday present( OK, to myself, but that's irrelevent), on A'gon, for what I consi... 
Modifications to digital ... SCD777ES
Has anybody had this mod/re-engineering done by Audience? Or by some other modifier? If so, could you offer some feedback.Thanx in advance 
Parasound vs. Bryston
Sean is correct, this is not myth. And for those interested, Parasound is going to soon be producing a CTC monoblock version of the BBQ, designed by John Curl, Bob Crump and Carl Thompson, the people who make the Blowtorch preamplifier. This sound... 
Basis TT Opinions
I've had the 2000, upgraded to the 2001 and presently 2500. These are simple, yet elegant tables, well built and machined, and fabulous sounding. A Graham arm mates very well with them and can usually be found used at a reasonable price. They're n... 
Best SS Phono Stage?
Updated John Curl Vendetta 
All my favorites are listed above, so to spare redundancy I'll refrain from adding a list. I will however say I just purchased a wonderful disc, Erik Truffaz Quartet "The Mask". Jazz trumpet, if you like that, but possibly the BEST sounding redboo... 
Anyone heard or own the CTC Blowtorch?
Where to find info re Blowtorch? Thanx. 
Will there be stereos in Heaven? Cables?
Someone comfortable with their own convictions and having something TRULY genuine to offer are akin to a forest cottage with nourishing food on the table and the front door wide open. Those passersby who are hungry may stop in for a bite if they s... 
Audio Hype!!
I think the DIY guys are passionate about what they do, I have a close friend who makes his own gear which sounds very good. Something created from you own plans/hands always sounds better to you. My kids are better looking, smarter etc than yours...