
Responses from mes

What is your OTHER passion?
So, the above is based on memory, no? 
NY Reunion
Thanx for the reply, John. I've checked everything, I'll try again. Perhaps I had my head on backwards when I listened to the LP. I agree, it's an excellent LP. Mark 
PC for AirTight ATM300?
BTW, these are flexible cords, unlike some of the others out there, easy to work with. If you want another opinion, read some of the back issues of Bound for Sound or talk to Marty DeWulfe, the editor. I think he uses TG PC's, as well as SC's as h... 
PC for AirTight ATM300?
Talk to Bob Crump at TG Audio. He makes some of the best PC's out there and they're inexpensive. Tell him what you want to power and he'll suggest which of his PC's will work best or custom make one that will. Great guy with great products. 
Who has tried all these power cords?
I've had all the mentioned with the exception of the whale. The FIM Gold was the best sounding in my system. It is indeed, stiff and unwieldy, but if you've got the space and patience, well worth it. I have recently however gone to TG Audio PC's, ... 
scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?
No Detlof, I'm in interminable wait mode. It's been "2 weeks" for the last 6. I'm hoping this week. New problems seem to come out of the void each week. When I get it I'll burn it in and A/B it with a couple of stock units I have access to, and le... 
350 SACDs and Counting
Thanx to whomever for the negative votes on my previous post. It means at least you read it. What's that old joke- if the foo shits? 
350 SACDs and Counting
Posts (self) justifying why one doesn't buy into a certain format, especially SADC as of late, are tiresome. Who cares why you do or do not buy into this format? Proves? to whom? Tommart seems to be courteous enough to try to enlighten those who h... 
What is your OTHER passion?
Reading, Golf and hockey. Golf as a participant, hockey as a spectator, reading as both. Cup time now, best time of year for us puck-heads. Slawney, your post makes me wonder what Rilke would have done in the era of audiophilia-gone for a walk aft... 
Adv for the most musical DA?
Sorry, Plsl, but I believe you're talking about a different animal, the Entec made by Demian Martin for Monster Cable retails for about $399, and is not the unit I'm talking about, to say the least. The Crosby Entec , modified by CTC is one of the... 
Adv for the most musical DA?
THE most musical, and flat out best DAC I've ever heard is the Entec Number Cruncher. It's made my tt nervous. 
what is it like to mix tube and solid..
I've had excellent results with a ss pre pushing a tube amp. I've found this combo has great synergy, with the appropriate pre, lending a little detail and bass depth and tautness while not detracting form the harmonics of the amp. So I guess I'm ... 
Audio Research comparison
I have a pair of the new REF 300 MKII's. These units are FAR better than the original 300's, and in my opinion any of the 600 versions. The changes, including a change in tubes, makes this one of the best sounding tube amps out there. Haven't hear... 
CD Recommendations
Erik Truffaz Quartet "The Mask". Killer CD musically and sonically. BTW, it's recorded out of phase, so if you have a phase switch on your CD player or pre-amp, play this disc "out" of phase, it sounds better. 
Best Movie Soundtrack
Thin Red Line.