
Responses from mes

Phono stage suggestions?
Stan Klyne makes one of the best phono stages out there at a very reasonable price new and a bargain used. 
Looking for an upsampler-which one?
Somewhat depends on your price point, but I guess if you're entertaining the dCS suggested above you've made price a moot point.A single box unit that I currently own is the Audio Aero Capitole, which does 24/192. They also have a DAC unit which d... 
Have you heard Rockport speakers?
Bill- If you get a pair of Rockports you won't want to work. You'll just listen all day long. :) 
Have you heard Rockport speakers?
Hi Bill- I can relate to your quest. A few monthe ago I flew out to Andy Payors at Rockport and spent 2 days listening to the Merak/Sheritan and Antares. At that time he didn't have a set of Hyperions quite finished, so I didn't get to hear them. ... 
good silver IC's to audition?
Call Bob Crump and see if you can get hold of some of his TG cables to audition. Silver, outstanding and reasonably priced. Sounded better than the AZ and HT in my system. 
Anyone ever sold off their dream system and why?
Yes. Marital reconfiguration. 
Burning question regarding upgrading paths
Gunbei:You're adding legs to a snake. 
Burning question regarding upgrading paths
1) Depends on 22) MUDlr- Huh?!? 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
I've found divorce to be efficacious. 
A question concerning ethics
I forgot, you never answered specifically who "WE" is. Given your self proclaimed new order of high ethics, don't you feel it appropriate to let "WE" members, know who the seeming poltroons are? And what, if any, is your affiliation with them- in ... 
A question concerning ethics
Whoa, whoa, whoa, now just hold on a dag damn minute, I NEVER said Jtinn was an overall nice guy!:) I'm merely suggesting your ( apparently plural, you individually and the panties hiding behind the robe basking in the comfort of anonymity) goal i... 
I don't remember much, but I remember......
I believe I was in 2nd grade and with the $5 I got for my birthday I purchased BOTH the Kinks first LP and The Music Machine, with a reveting version of "Tax Man". I think they were $1.99 each. I wore the grooves out on those 2 LP's. 
A question concerning ethics
Sean,I've followed your posts in the past and found them to be cogent, articulate and technically well thought out. I'm not quite sure what, or who, lit the bunsen burner under your arse on this one. I can certainly appreciate your intent, but nob... 
which cd player class A to use straight into amp
Audio Aero Capitole. 
My first impression of the Nordost Valhallas.
As mentioned above, rightly so, system mating is paramount in cable selection. I recently lived with the Valhalla for about 6 weeks (TG, FIM Gold, XLO Lmtd Ed and others before that) and the Valhalla was phenomenal to say the least, the best I'd h...