
Responses from mes

"Fast sounding tube amp" with plenty of power? any?
I agree with the number of votes for Atma-sphere, but as far as sonics go I find the Tenor OTL's superior, and equally as fast and dynamic. The power question is paramount, the Tenors are rated ar 75 w, and although I've seen on other posts they c... 
Combinations that exceeded your expectations?
Running an Audio Aero Capitole cdp directly into Tenor 75 WI amps sans pre-amp. 
Which SACD should I buy?
The imminently available Audio Aero Prestige may be a consideration, given the excellence and popularity of the Capitole. 
Tenor Audio - Anyone hear them?
I have had over the last few years VAC, Carey, Pass, Fi and most recently ARC REF 300 MKII's and Accuphase A-50V's bridged to monoblocks. I have heard the Atma-Sphere's on a number of occasions at a friends who owns them. I spent a considerable am... 
Absolute Best power amp, tube ss
Tube- Tenor OTL'sSS- Accuphase A-50 V's bridged to monoblocks.Overall- Tenor OTL's. Best of the Best. Period. 
Re: Dedicated Lines
I ran 12g lines to duplexes, 1 for each amp and 1 that a power supply went in to. Noticeable improvement in virtually all aspects of the sound and dramatically decreased noise floor. This is a huge bang for the buck. 
What tube preamp to get to smooth out the sound?????
Hey Bob, isn't that the contraption that's carried over from your previous vocation as a moel? Is it HSR? 
scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?
Danke, Detlof. When I get rolling, I'd do the same thing again. Hopefully Audience will have expedited the process by then. Tschub, Mark 
scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?
I guess to be expected, some rather ignorant and disparaging remarks were made on Audio Asylum, a usually intelligent and cogent forum unfortunately peppered with paroxysms of assininity, regarding the sale of my modded 777. To clarify, this is a ... 
Klyne Preamp ?
I have had the 7 series line and phono stages and they are 2 of the best pieces of gear I've ever had. Thomasheisig's description is right on, these are transparent, stay out of the way pieces, utterly invisible in the signal path. Stan doesn't ha... 
NY Reunion
Thanx for the update Drubin, I hadn't heard that. He was truly one of a handful of the greatest tenors. State of the Tenor is a classic. 
T.G. Audio I.C. cables?
I have TG cables. They have replaced a long line of predecessors that are considered by many to be some of the finest cables made. In my system the TG cables work best, excellent bass, smooth with detail and a black background. Although silver, th... 
scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?
Bob would be correct, my present digital front end is a G&D Transport and modified Entec Number Cruncher, both with the latest upgrades. These are top shelf units which thus far have been the best I've had in my system. 
Audio Research REF600 MKI MKII
It seems Jimj, that the only thing fundamentally flawed, is your hapless attempt to bring a personal agenda to an otherwise informative thread. I've had but few dealings with Jtinn myself, and have found him to be a knowledgeable straight shooter ... 
Best Unknown Jazz Album
Erik Truffaz Quartet "The Mask"