
Responses from mes

Power cord to use on Marantz SA-1 SACD player ?
Mike- Is that the "ESP" cord I've heard so much about, the one whereby you hear music even with it unplugged? :-) 
Best Used CD Player for 2,500 - 3,000
When the new Audio Aero Capitole hits the streets, any time now, you may see a few of the current models for sale used, possibly for more than your price point but worthy of consideration nonetheless. 
Power cord to use on Marantz SA-1 SACD player ?
David Elrod makes great PC's which I use. I don't have the Marantz, but a user on this forum, mikelavigne has it and recently swapped out Shunyata and Synergistic Research for the Elrod cords and likes them immensely, you can contact him through A... 
Why no threads on OTL amps?
Well, this "type" has had the Tenor's for nearly a year now without a single problem, I looked right at them and don't "banks" of tubes ( AR REF 300 MKII's come to mind ), and the heat thrown from them is actually less than many other amps I've ha... 
Tube Pre-amps for audition list
Although slightly more than you want to spend, a used Klyne 7 series linestage may be an option. I had one in my system for a good while and found it a very neutral yet musical piece. Fabulous sounding and well made. I no longer have it, I've rece... 
A general mix/match SS/Tube question.
At one point I had a Klyne series 7 phono stage (ss) driving a AR Ref 2 preamp (tube) which drove AR Ref 300 mkII amps (tube) which mated very well. Ultimately I preferred the Klyne 7 series linestage (ss) over the AR. This combination, ss pre wit... 
Why no threads on OTL amps?
twl, you're right, you didn't get the point. Or the relevence. BTW, classy reply to jtinn. 
Why no threads on OTL amps?
If I read this correctly, it seems to me that twl's criticisms of certain products being "flavors of the month" and individuals possibly "taking a bath" on resale of said products, could be accurately applied to srause's experience with the Bernin... 
Jena cables
Tekunda- I don't mind dealers pitching their wares, happens frequently, and I'd like to think I'm cogent enough to separate fact from fiction. But your " I live in a hotspot and people drop by so my cable is great etc" sounds, well, lame. Specify ... 
Jena cables
I lived with Valhalla for about 6 weeks and thought they were incredible.The best sounding cables I'd had in my system.Fast, detailed, transparent, did I mention fast? I subsequently demo'd the Jena Symphony and Pathfinder. In my system, the Jena'... 
Avalon: Eidolon vs Opus vs Opus Ceramique
I'm so sick of cfb's infantile behaviour, particularly as of late. His childish, inane aspersions cast at anybody who doesn't agree with his opinion have grown tiresome, and should not be allowed. His hit and run tactics, manifest on more than one... 
Acoustic Guitar CD Recording/track to test Spkrs?
Have to second Don Ross "Huron Street". Yes, 6 arms it seems, but additionally impeccably recorded. Also, Paul Galbraith solo or quartet, particularly the Bach Sonatas solo. Don Ross, Tragically Hip and hockey- God I love Canada! 
Geez, Kelly, I don't see Jtinn trying to do anything other than state his opinion, kind of like you frequently do with Accuphase ,Avalon and Boulder, sold by your admitted good friend and AUDIO DEALER in Denver. If the guy heard the product, he's ... 
Buggtussel speakers: a "sleeper" hi- end spker?
Maxgain, time to check Lithium levels? :-) 
Roxy Music "For your Pleasure". First heard it as a 15 y/o and it hit me like a Tyson left hook. Shortly thereafter Peter Gabriel's first solo album and Born to Run came out and defined my early college years. I was fortunate enough see all three ...