
Responses from melm

Wireworld USB YES!
An interesting comparison would be with the WW Platinum and the Audioquest Diamond. Each has pure silver carrying the data. The AQ with one solid core in each direction and the WW with three. Both are popular brands. Most USB cables, including tho... 
Analog Lp
@rauliruegas, You wrote, "May be I’m all what you said"Yes. 
Analog Lp
@rauliruegas How ignorant of you to suggest that I do not like music.Also, how stupid to suggest that someone whom you do not know does not go to concerts.  I go regularly (before Covid) to concerts, principally concerts of unamplified music.  I g... 
Analog Lp
Older is better IMO.  New ones, besides often having a digital source, are sometimes made to sound snappier!  More treble, more bass. 
Any Fatboy Unipivot Users?
I have never had a problem with VPI uni-pivots.  Contrary to what has been written, they are very stable once you let them go.  I moved to the 3D arm and eventually with the dual pivot and a ruby tip.  Besides a small increase in SQ, it is far eas... 
Got a new (to me) VPI Aries for Xmas... what’s the arm upgrade path?
IMO a good, and not very expensive, upgrade is the dual pivot.  Do some research.  Besides other advantages, it makes setting azimuth very easy. 
Cartridge Trial & Error
I don't know very much about your components but you state that, "the model L’s are VERY bright."  In my experience, looking for compensating deficiencies in components is, in the long run, a no-win proposition.  Better to seek neutral (or almost ... 
Stream vs digital download
I don't think bandwidth should be an issue as audio files are miniscule compared to other streams on-line, Netflix for ex.  Using Primephonic I have run some file fragments through MusicScope and compared to ripped CD files.  As far as I can tell ... 
VTA & SRA question!
VTA is the angle made by the record surface and a line from stylus tip to cantilever attachment.SRA is the angle made by the stylus rake and the record surface.  Rake is the part on the stylus, a line or something approaching a line, making contac... 
Favorite Beethoven Symphony Recordings
I second the nomination of Zinman for the full cycle.  Similar in approach to the Vanska/Minnesota SACD recordings, but better sound IMO (notwithstanding the SACD)For individual symphonies, the new 3rd and 7th symphony recordings by Honeck and the... 
Whats your favourite track to play to the non hi-fi visitor?
Bump.  This is too good a thread to let die.Another suggestion: John Adams' "Short Ride on a Fast Machine" played by Michael Tilson Thomas and the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra. 
Great Experience with Feickert Protractor
It looks so good I wonder whether it doesn't come out of the same factory.  It would not be the first time that has happened to a US or European firm outsourcing to China. 
Streaming vs CD transport direct comparison
FWIW, I found that ripping CDs to a USB hard disk and playing them through a lap-top running JRiver and out by USB to a DAC definitely improved the SQ over playing the same disks on an Oppo 105 and out through coax into the DAC.  And ripping SACDs... 
Bluesound vs SOtM
I use an SOtM as a DLNA bridge with JRiver on a laptop.  It works beautifully.  The important thing is to not have your music run through the computer.SOtM USA is having a black Friday sale.  They also have an easy return policy.Are you certain th... 
Is a balanced XLR cable inherently less critical than a single ended RCA one?
I have 25' runs of balanced interconnect between preamplifier and amplifier.  I tried three different pairs.  They all sound different.  One was best.  For me it was NOS Discovery Cable.