

Responses from markusthenaimnut

Thoughts on the Supratek Chardonnay
Supratek preamps are wonderful. It is common for Supratek owners to state that their preamp is the one component of their system that they do not plan to upgrade.I love my Cortese! 
Supratek Owners Thread
Thanks, highstream. Now if we can only get some responses about all these infinite varieties of new production 6SN7 tubes maybe we'll get somewhere. 
CD sound quality: original pressings vs regular remaster vs MFSL, etc
I own a lot of CDs and vinyl. More and more these days I'm just streaming. I have a new DAC that helps things sound good - in general I'd say "near CD quality". It is an MHDT Orchid.I also think this is a great time to buy CDs - prices are good an... 
SET vs Class A vs tubes vs Class AB amps
I think you might find the Sanders white paper on Tubes vs. Transistors to be educational.  Look for sanderssoundsystems.com or something like that.  
Fear of Streaming
My experience reflects many of those who have posted above. In my music room I have about 6000 lps and many boxes of 45s. Some 78s. Three turntables, two phono stages. I enjoy playing vinyl. And sorting through a box of 45s. It's fun.However, I st... 
Tube amp forethought
Kinda seems like this thread dropped off the face of the earth. Here's my .02 - I put together a retirement system incorporating tubes (in the preamp) and Quad ESL 2805 speakers. I previously used ESL 63 speakers, and they are wonderful. After som... 
"Matching" of dual triode tubes - how close?
To be specific, my question is focused on use of 6SN7s in a preamp. 
Supratek Owners Thread
dentdog - Are you saying you talked to Mick about the Psvane T11s? Please understand I'm not trying to be obtuse, I just want to understand. Whenever I've traded emails about tube-rolling with Mick he basically advised me to spend my money elsewhe... 
Supratek Owners Thread
Guys - couple questions about the Chinese tubes.I see Grant Fidelity is offering (at a very high price) the Psvane CV-181 TII tubes. Also, for a much lower price, what they are calling the WE6SN7s. On ebay I see the CV-181 tubes & various vers... 
Spotify sound inprovement.
One reason I love Spotify is that their curating algorithm is excellent and always manages to ferret out music I haven't heard before that is right up my alley. I also like the simplicity of the interface.  
Separate DAC or continue using the Oppo UDP-205
Loganfan - Thanks for sharing the results of your upgraded Oppo 205. Your description makes it sound like a very attractive option.Having said that, I'll be interested and looking forward to the results of any tube-rolling you do with this unit.Wa... 
Need a new DAC
Certainly you're aware that there is no shortage of well-regarded DACs available these days. The mind boggles. What fun though, to be in a position to pull the trigger on a new one. 
Power amps into surge protector/Conditioner or DIRECT to wall? Final verdict?
Golly. What a fascinating thread. Just wanted to chime in and share my very recent experience with a Lithium-Ion battery powered generator. I think this is a kind of confusing name, and I was happy to see someone mention this technology on page 2 ... 
Apogee Scintilla Power
Several excellent options not previously mentioned: Roger Sanders Magnatech, or his earlier Innersound Electrostatic amplifier or one of the Coda amplifiers. Any of these can dump very very large quantities of very high quality current into your a... 
backert vs sachs preamp
I suggest you also look into the Supratek preamps.