

Responses from markusthenaimnut

MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3?
That's pretty high praise for the Shuguang tube. 
MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3?
I think that all this attention being paid in this (very worthwhile) discussion might be drawing attention away from the fact that the stock Orchid is really super satisfying.  You don't have to modify it at all to get superb,  non-fatiguing music... 
MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3?
I don’t want to derail this thread, but for those who are considering an Orchid you might want to do some internet searching for the TDA 1541A based DAC from Abbas Audio. Hand made in Ukraine and very competitively priced. Very nerdy parts selecti... 
MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3?
I posted on this thread a while ago about installing a 6DJ8 in my Orchid via the 5670/6DJ8 adapter. I think in my post I mentioned. Something along the lines of the sound changing from that of a Baldwin Piano to that of a big Steinway. Well, I now... 
MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3?
 I haven't had a chance to compare the 6Dj8 to the Western Electric tube in the Orchid. However, 213cobra apparently has done that comparison and it was his idea of trying out this adapter and his opinion was that the six DJ eight variety was bett... 
MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3?
@jzzmusician and I were talking and he asked me to post the following on this thread because it could easily have been overlooked on the MHDT Orchid tube rolling thread elsewhere on this Forum.I read with interest 213cobra’s idea of using a 5670 t... 
I should have mentioned that I'm using the 5670/6DJ8 tube socket adapter available on-line. It did not require any circuit modifications.Also, now that I'm a couple of hours in, and listening to some orchestral music, the new tube continues to pro... 
I have followed the recommendation made by 213cobra and have now rolled an Amperex made in Holland 6DJ8 into my Orchid. I know my new tube has not burned in at all yet.But out of the box I am hearing what he has predicted. I'd describe the change ... 
Are vintage DHTs an ephemeral object of desire?
 what amplifier is it? 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Hicham/Joseph - You're still waiting on your preamp, right?I think you're gonna love it as Mick has built it. IMHO no real need to upgrade the caps. 
Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?
Not yet.  We've had trouble getting our schedules to line up. Still want to do it.  
Tube tester...anyone own their own?
I own two. My advice is to buy one that is already working and calibrated. Also, make sure that it can test the kinds of tubes that you want to test. Because not all testers are equivalently capable. This will mean that you'll pay quite a bit for ... 
Which Preamp Would You Choose?
I suggest a used Supratek. Right now Echo audio has a nice used one near your budget. Very well regarded piece of equipment. 
Any reason to go with anything other than Sanders Magtech for Martin Logan Summit X
I agree.  His amps are incredible.  
Old Legendary tubes vs New Kids on the block Amperex/Siemens/Tele vs Psvane/TAD/Shugaung
I just wanted to say that I think this is a great thread. Here's the reason, and that is that there is a very wide range of experience with tubes on this board. And this is a good opportunity for those who have more experience to shed their no kid...