Responses from mapman
Why does most new music suck? Will people still be drinking those same old bottles of wine 100 years from now? | |
Why does most new music suck? Bread too. | |
Bass leaves after amp warms up? Yay, I detect a happy customer.Wait till he see's the high priced consulting bills we're all about to send him.....Especially Al's! | |
Oh, the frustrations of the speaker search Hey, FWIW, if interested in OHMs for a good price, now might be a good time to call and see what might be possible.OHM Annual SUmmer SHutdown SaleOHM Super Walsh 2.2000's on sale could be A VERY GOOD SNAG!!!!I bought my F5 series 3 OHMs a few year... | |
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em? OHM Annual Summer SHutdown SaleI can say from prior experience that is is a good time of the year to buy and save. | |
Oh, the frustrations of the speaker search NAD is not that bad. SOme people may like it better than many others. Its definitely a good value! I use a very old NAD 7020 re3ceiver pre-amp section in my second system. It is my spare unit I use when needed normally when something else goes dow... | |
Bass leaves after amp warms up? I use similar AUdioquest cv6 wires with the battery powered DBS system. I doubt that is an issue. It's effects are nil to most marginal at best. Bass should be unaffected no matter what. | |
Bass leaves after amp warms up? ALso note that there is no reason to biwire from a single amp to multiple speaker connections for biwiring. It may work fine if done right but more chance for error. Just make sure jumper on speakers between reds/+s and other jumper between blacks... | |
Bass leaves after amp warms up? If speakers were connected out of phase, bass would be impacted from the get go, not more so over time. That could have just been a perception that it got worse over time. Whatever. If it sounds good now, take a note on how to wire correctly so yo... | |
Why does most new music suck? YEs, Rolling Stone Magazine is still a good place for aging hippies and the lot to keep up to date with new music that they might like. Good recommendation! | |
Review: Machina dynamica Brilliant Pebbles Tweak "I look back @ some of the things I posted and I was lost in space with Will & the robot."That's a hoot! I always think of MD as the king of bad sci fi audio tweaks. BTW "Lost In Space" was my absolute favorite show when I was a kid and I stil... | |
Bass leaves after amp warms up? I will be most surprised if it turns out those PSBs cannot play loud without voice coils overheating. I would expect most integrated amps to start to clip well beforehand. But ya never know.... | |
Pink Floyd on Pandora "What struck me in the Floyd-authored op-ed piece -- and what prompted me to post it here in the first place -- was the idea that Pandora, at least as the writers would have us believe, is attempting to snow the artists, saying one thing while hop... | |
Bass leaves after amp warms up? "If you have not heard the bass come around in a week we can safely assume (as we did before) that it is not the amplifier at fault."I have not read anything that indicates this amplifier will be the nth degree in terms of extended and dynamic bas... | |
Pink Floyd on Pandora Danaroo has a good point which I agree with. Those guys need Pandora. Pink Floyd does not. Pandora might need Pink Floyd so they can use them as a seed to help people find other lesser known similar artists. Even newer popular money making artists... |