

Responses from mapman

Wifi vs USB
Art,I did upgrade to a top of the line Netgear wireless N router recently from a secod or third generation Linksys that I had been running for years. I found this has helped with throughput to my Rokus, which are only wireless G, despite technical... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Bondman,I have not fired up DSOTM in quite a while. I need to do that again just for reference in that so many know this milestone recording and I have undergone a lot of changes to my system since I last listened. 
As system improves, do bad recordings sound worse?
"no longer bothersome, just limited"That is a very good way to put it! 
Black-Eyed-Peas, the future of modern music?
"Fergie apparently was a meth addict for a while and has had a total facial reconstruction to fix the damage from those years."They did a nice job.She looks to be in fit dancer shape as well these days! Congrats to her for turning things around ap... 
Most improved last 10yrs: Speaker, amp, or pre?
Musicslug, What are the innovations in the VAndersteen 7?What other highly regarded speakers have you compared it to, old or new?Its shaky to make the case that any particular audio technology has improved categorically on the basis of thinking on... 
Black-Eyed-Peas, the future of modern music?
"she's hot, she can dance, she sings good enough and she's hot"that about covers it.[url]http://media.photobucket.com/image/fergie/gamasutra/Fergie.jpg[/url]case closed. 
Most improved last 10yrs: Speaker, amp, or pre?
Not many categorical sonic improvements these days. The best sounded really good years ago as it does today. The categorical improvements are in areas of efficiency, cost, size, convenience, aesthetics, etc. but not sound quality. 
Black-Eyed-Peas, the future of modern music?
"I guess that if vacuous tawdry consumerism had a sound it would be like that"Nice one Chasmal!Like I said, perfect Super Bowl halftime fare! 
Black-Eyed-Peas, the future of modern music?
They are entertaining live.I have one CD of theirs. I'm a Dick dale fan and I liked their take on "Miserlou". The low end on their discs will shake the rafters for sure based on what I have heard. There is something to be said for that from an aud... 
Most improved last 10yrs: Speaker, amp, or pre?
Amps. Class D switching amps are a major innovation. 
Wifi vs USB
Roku or Squeezebox for a PC, Apple Extreme for the Apple world.Squeezebox is rumored to have a better built in DAC for better sound out of the box and costs more. Roku costs less. I use external DACs with Roku for best sound. Many do with Squeezeb... 
Todays new vinyl LP's better than LP's 40 yrs ago?
Agree the golden age of vinyl was years ago and things have changed a lot since. Seems delusional to me to think that can be recreated on a similar scale. Some small high end niche vinyl providers may succeed.I also question whether we could succe... 
You know you're an audiophile if--
You judge an amplifier on its current delivery capability, damping factor and input impedance instead of its pretty flashing lights. 
Todays new vinyl LP's better than LP's 40 yrs ago?
Expectations for vinyl are high among a smaller dedicated group these days. That may be part of it. 
Wifi vs USB
Check out my system listing. The wireless digital sounds fantastic and 90% of my detailed listening these days goes that way.