

Responses from mapman

Another "help me pick speakers" thread
I was reading the Salks are 4ohm nominal impedance and not particularly efficient.They may be fantastic speakers but you might not be any better off in the bass department in the end possibly, unless these just happen to have a most powerful low e... 
Power output of tube amps compared to solid states
Power output I believe, regardless of amp technology used, translates essentially only to how loud things should go, all other factors aside.This does not say anything about how optimally an amp drives a particular speaker design. By optimally I m... 
Another "help me pick speakers" thread
Totems are hard to beat for the size but also seem to like gobs of SS power from what I have seen, beyond what their specs indicate.The Quads are the only others on your list I have heard. They are nice but am not sure about their power needs. I b... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
In general, I believe it takes inherently more power to get "kick" from omnis equivalent to what you might get with similar efficiency directional speakers aimed at your listening position. That is because with imnis, the sonic energy is emmitted ... 
D sonic amps.
I have not heard them, but I considered them when looking to go Class D recently. I have been most satisfied with Icepower in my system though I am using the much more expensive Bell Canto Ref1000 mkiis in my system.They certainly seem to be one o... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Just to be clear regarding tube amps and OHMs, I don't doubt that some combos might float peoples boat and some listeners whose opinions I respect report fairly good results. I have not heard OHMs and tube amps enough to say conclusively. I'm just... 
Bel Canto verrsus Odyssey Stratos
"Low end maybe not as defined as with more traditional amps."Sonicmike, that surprises me. The ref1000 mkiis in my system seem to deliver exceptionally well defined bass.Curious were they ref1000 or ref 1000 mkii and what pre-amp and speakers used... 
Your First Concert was.....
My parents took me to hear Ferrante and Teicher when I was about 5. 
Review: Realistic Minimus 7 Monitor
I sold many a pair years ago working at Radio Shack! These and the $50 Realistic version of the Shure V15 type 4 MM cart were two audio gold standards at RS that I dished out to many for years!I have had a pair of wood cased Minimus 7s out on my d... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Ron,Are you getting a big soundstage and reasonably detailed imaging at least at this point? If not, your ears may not be tuned in to the omni presenation yet. That can take time depending. It took me a while even when I acquired the series 3 driv... 
Favorite Music DVD?
Pressure Points - CamelTokyo Tapes - Steve HackettConcert for GeorgePremonition - John FogertyLive at Pompeii - Pink FloydHall Of Fame - Moody BluesBeatles Anthology 
Bel Canto verrsus Odyssey Stratos
You'll have a hybrid sound that should be pretty darn nice I would think. 
An Experiment in Speaker Placement
Find a way to keep the proper setup (jewelry is usually an effecive bribe)! That's the way it should be! 
Ohm Walsh vs. Mirage OMD 28
Try toeing in the right speaker for more direct exposure at your listening position to move the image to the right? Or, if both toed in already equally toe-out the left speaker.Sometimes a balance control can come in handy! 
Your favorites amplifiers for their visual look ?
How about the Carver Silver Sevens?