

Responses from mapman

lessloss blackbody
I don't understand how it works, but I'm pretty sure it is not voodoo. 
lessloss blackbody
I wonder if they work for all sound or just sound that comes out of speakers?Might they work for say a live vocalist, piano, or guitar player and make them sound better as well I wonder?If so they should use them in the recording studio and lick t... 
lessloss blackbody
"The silence between notes is what was missing. "That would seem logical given that it's a black body. Noise must get in but never gets out. 
Dreaded wall unit
It is what it is.My second system is set up similarly for similar reasons (Triangle Titus monitors up high in Ethan Allen Cabinets). I do use a sub with these in this setup in that the bass extension suffers to a larger extent. Soundstage size, im... 
What companies, out of Business, did you LOVE???
Tandberg is the only home audio company I can think of that I really miss and wish still carried on.Aiwa made some very good cassette decks early on.I had a Nakamichi car stereo once. I miss those. 
tubes and rock and roll, good fit?
I agree that tube pre-amp + Class D amp is a very effective way to introduce tubes into a system with speakers that are not designed to be tube friendly (low efficiency, low impedance). 
Being grateful for what we have
Only if I am sure something can be improved to meet my expectations.There is something to be said for being a perfectionist....but that too should be in moderation as Almarg points out.There's more to life than audio or any hobby or area of enjoym... 
lessloss blackbody
That would seem to be the case here.Probably only if the Blackbodies are oriented in the same direction though I would think, otherwise the combined effect might be destructive?Hard to say. Far be it for me to be able to explain how a miracle works. 
lessloss blackbody
Yes, it truly must be a miracle. People hear improvement yet there is no explanation for how or why! If that is not a miracle what is? For only $1000, that would seem to be a reasonable price for a true miracle! Buy two and twice the miracle! That... 
Review: Ohm Acoustics Walsh 5 Series 3 Speaker
For some closure, I finally took the plunge and acquired my "monster amps" a pair of Bel Canto Reference 1000 mkii monoblocs, 500w/ch into ohm doubling into 4, to drive the Walsh 5 S3s and the other speakers in my system. Monster in terms of power... 
tubes and rock and roll, good fit?
Lucky guy!Let us know how it turns out! 
Dynaudio Confidence C1 broken & Cap question
Why not another pair of line arrays then?Those dyns should not fry under normal use though. They were not new and you do not know the history before you acquired them, right? It's possible they had a problem prior and you just pushed them over. Us... 
The Hub: Is a Vinyl Revival in progress?
I'm an old time vinyl guy and I think Ipods are pretty cool even though I do not use one much. I guess the grass is always greener. My music server is where its at for mostly these days. I'd love to get all my vinyl onto that magically in quick ti... 
tubes and rock and roll, good fit?
Never a bad idea to look at what the speaker's designer uses....Gryphon is SS, no?I'd call Rockport and see what he says about running his product off any particular tube amp. 
Another "help me pick speakers" thread
The Tyler's should sound very good.If you ahve a chance to compare to the OHMs, I'd be interested in what differences you hear regarding dynamics, soundstage, imaging, etc.