
Responses from magfan

First toe dip into the digital stream
Hello,I use the system you describe in your first post. But, a few additions. First, for paranoia reasons, I have a wired network. I use my Airport Express in wireless mode by first turning ON my Mac's Airport. I have NO wireless router, and the A... 
4 Channel Tube Amp
The one spec speaker manufacturers NEVER divulge, but can be found by test in a lab is very important to tube 'friendliness'That is: Phase Angle vs frequency. In any reactive load.....capacitive or inductive voltage and current are out of sync. Th... 
What is wrong with negative feedback?
I don't believe it is fair to talk about damping factor without mention of speaker 'Q'. A hi DF and a 'Q' of over say....1.3 will still produce sloppy bass as will a very low DF and a critically damped 'Q' of .707Also, no mention has been made of ... 
Pioneer SX-1280 Receiver Running On End..?
Never, Never blow fans into gear unless you know where it is coming OUT. You can actually trap heat if there is nowhere for the air to go. Using fans as 'pull thru' is better, in general. Set it on top of the vents on top of the receiver. A confus... 
4 Channel Tube Amp
And I'd hope you lived in a cold climate so you wouldn't cook.Do you know if your current speakers would like tubes? Would you be willing to get down to a single, maybe more tube friendly, pair of speakers? 
Good use for DAC is link to brief article about the system/code Sirius uses for compression.I'm sure that AT MINIMUM the sound is better than MP3-320. Now, if I could get the 840c to play well with my AirPor... 
Do all good interconnects sound the same?
Interconnect arguments.The Third Rail of audio. 
oppo 83 se or oppo 83
PLEASE CHECK THIS INFO:::It is my understanding that any OPPO purchase is shipped BY OPPO.I don't know of any 'stocking' dealers. Is this correct?So, while you send someone else the money, the return address on the box is always the same....I thin... 
Is HDMI worth the upgrade?
with HDMI 1.3 and 1.4 come some audio features. I'm not an HT guy, using only 2.1, but if I were interested in the advanced BR features, I'd be tempted in the the new pre/pro direction....Unless your BR player or other source could manage it for you 
Listening off grid with batteries
Atma,See my post above. Inverters are now being 'distributed' and are at each panel.In bright sun, you get about 100 watts per square meter (yard?) of area. The 'where do you put the inverter?' argument harkens back to the early wars between Ediso... 
Good evening,interested in moving to a DAC
If you MUST be at or under budget......a CD840c will fill the bill. 2 channels of input and balanced out. DISCLAIMER. I'll be selling mine soon for reasons that have nothing to do with the player or quality of playback. Computer files and an exter... 
room placement question
Depotec,I looked at the plan drawing and think the unexcavated space should stay that way.....The garage floor is doubtless poured concrete. To make the space under the garage usable would require some real engineering and LOTS more concrete, not ... 
room placement question
Shortwall setup, eliminating the 'optional' gas fireplace seems to be the concensus. Experiment with diffusion / absorbtion between the speakers and on the long walls next to the speakers. Asymmetric rooms have an advantage in bass. In my really a... 
Looking for the Honda S2000 of turntables
Understood.....Just curious as to where a properly setup P7 falls in the food chain of sub 2k TTs. 
Remember your Magnavox?
My early 80s FD1000 is sitting out in the other room....needs a laser if anyone can help!TD1540 chipset of 14 bit, to boot.