
Responses from magfan

Binding Straps vs Jumpers
My panels came with Chrome Plated steel jumpers.I replaced them with #6 copper hand whittled into shape....the #6 was just a touch too large.Nice help....and even though it my be psychological, I feel mucho better knowing that steel is out of the ... 
Noisy External HD
My drive quieted down a LOT after an Apple issued update for just that issue. 
how does current work in an amplifier?
Atma,Just read your reply from last month to my specs comments.You could be right. Bottom line? Don't believe everything you read, even if you think you know something about it....figures lie and liars figure......And yeah, my now ancient, long go... 
Noisy External HD
Please write the manufacturer.Software solutions may exist to some of the clicky/ clack noises HDs can make.Since a software update, my MAC's HD is very quiet. It is a 1tb SATA drive....... 
Magnepan 1.7
Nope, Never measured anything. In the case of problem rooms or maybe the last 'nth' of performance, it would be wise to measure. Maybe while installing sound treatments and other room modifications. I'm dedicated, not committed! (or, perhaps, comm... 
Class D amps,bang for your buck ones
I haven't read EVERY word in this thread, but has anyone mentioned the DIY aspect of the question?Hypex 'd' amps and power supply parts are available and can turn into quite the nice amp.International Rectifier makes a 'd' amp....which also needs ... 
Noisy External HD
Their MAY be hope.My MAC's hard drive was pretty noisy.Apple issued some kind of update...or maybe it was going to 10.6, but the darn thing is now very quiet. Can you ship off a note to the manufacturer about this issue? 
Magnepan 1.7
Measure from the edge of the speaker directly BACK to the 'front' wall.Measure from EACH side of the speaker. On my 1.6s, I use the little trim strip as the index.My speakers measure EXACTLY 30.5" on the inside edge and 34" to the outside edge....... 
Would you pay to listen?
I just re-read my early post to this subject.I'll reiterate but rephrase. Casual drop ins would be discouraged by what basically amounts to an admission ticket.IF the store had a dedicated room with 'the really neat' system which you had to pay to... 
Can temperature fluctuations affect audio gear?
If I felt the need to design something needing heat management, I'd try to over engineer by at least a factor of 2x. This would be using all rule of thumb estimates and data sheet numbers. If a doubt existed, buy the next larger heat sink. More sp... 
Can temperature fluctuations affect audio gear?
Lesson Learned:In Italy their is a very nice Roman Aqueduct bridging a river. It is 3 layers high and is in perfect shape after who knows how long? If needed, it'd probably be easy to put it back in service. Recent analysis shows it to be built to... 
Can temperature fluctuations affect audio gear? datasheet I came across.Look at figure #1 for temp derate and the bottom of page #1, just above the fig for the heat/ thermal #s. 
Can temperature fluctuations affect audio gear?
As near as I can figure, that's the whole point. You'll have a zero difference when you fire it up with everything at room temp....BUT as soon as the device warms, it'll start moving heat away at such a rate as to maintain the calculated (or nearl... 
Can temperature fluctuations affect audio gear?
HiFi.Big is correct. Devices are apparently designed with a max junction temp at a given air temp. Lower air temp is gravey. Read at least the written description of the math. It'll make sense. The heat-engine model doesn't apply where greater dif... 
Can temperature fluctuations affect audio gear?
Hifi,You can always run something out of spec and blow it up. Read the link I provided.I have no idea of the speed of propagation from the junction, thru all the various interfaces and to the air. Maybe you COULD 'shock' it. C or F? just a convers...