
Responses from magfan

why do my AR9's sound so lousy?
Anything out of phase? 
More powerful amp for top or bottom?
Al, couldn't you change the rate at which the perception of increase or decrease changes simply by changing the potentiometer type? From Linear to Log or the other way?Isn't there a third type? Can't 'member what it may be called? 
Any Magnepan 1.6 owner who upgraded to 1.7?
I just presented the list, 'J'.I am only in favor of a very few specific mods. and Bridgework stands aren't among them. I favor mods with little metal. And while I'm reluctant to name stuff I haven't heard, seems that matching amps and Marchand cr... 
More powerful amp for top or bottom?
Depends on crossover frequency how much power you need per amplifier above / below the crossover point..... 
Any Magnepan 1.6 owner who upgraded to 1.7?
Magnepan is THE dream DIY speaker. Crossover? Active? Passive? All new design or with bi/tri amp? Upgraded parts like premium caps or aircore inductors? Stands? Reframe with REAL wood? Aftermarket companies exist to service both those markets.Rebu... 
Magnum Dynalab 308 drive Magnepan 1.7 or 3.6?
Generally Maggies are an easy load. Moderate phase angles and no huge dips.see link to measurements., the real questions to me are 1. how loud do you play you... 
Wyred4sound STI - 500 for Magnepan speakers
Clarification:ICE modules have more in common than differences. Just my opinion. I just think that if you stay in the ICE family from B&O, and specifically the ASP modules, you won't get huge amounts of variation. :: I am ignoring the preamp a... 
Wyred4sound STI - 500 for Magnepan speakers
ICE power amps are all apparently a little different. But, that being said, they have more in common than BIG differences.My PSAudio uses the same ASP module as the W4S 500 ref'd above so I'd expect 90% similar results with only very subtle differ... 
how efficient are paradigm mini monitors? this the right paradigm? An older 'rev', I think. 
AAD 2001 monitors, bi-amping experiment
Next Step?How about put on some music, grab an adult beverage and enjoy? Unless you know how it measured before changes...which presumably are easily reversed, I see no point in starting to measure now. 
how efficient are paradigm mini monitors?
Any phase data? 
Amplifier for Magnepan 20.1s
Just curious about cost. could someone just list 'em in order of cost? 20 series maggies are a hi-$$ speaker, and maybe not enough are in circulation to get the 'buzz' going? I think known Magnepan characteristics trump this, though.With proper s... 
Martin Logan For Dummies
uh? don't like the ML bass? Try Magnepan. No bass integration problems here and the MMG is quite the bargain at about 600$ with full upgrade credit within the first year. Going upline gets you more, but not different. 
Help me solve static electricity problem
I understand that YOU (not you personally) are the 'static' problem.Just ZAP yourself! Wear a anti stat wrist band and ground it to the gear in question.Get a humidifier? I remember when I was a kid in Chicago....In the driest part of 
Help me solve static electricity problem
Isn't static at very high voltage?Would a cap simply look like a resistor to a very high voltage...even if the current were essentially zero?We had static problems at work and a bigtime solution in the form of HV electrodes protruding into the air...