
Responses from magfan

Emotiva XPA-1 or Wyred SX/ST-1000
Thanks for reply, Fmk.One additional factor to consider. Yep, hi mass cones are a potential problem, but I think that speaker 'Q' is part of the answer.A system with hi 'Q' will have plenty of overhang and maybe even a midbass peak and bloat. A cr... 
dedicated power line
Depending on where you live, you may want to CONSIDER a whole-house lightning / surge protector. They are not expensive and may save you some grief down the line....and, during an upgrade as you suggest, easy to do. 
Emotiva XPA-1 or Wyred SX/ST-1000
Many feel DF over a value of even as low as 20 or 30 is a redherring parameter.Also, low DF allows the speaker to dampen ITSELF. When your system is off, disconnect the speaker from the amp. Pull the plug, so to speak. Thump the woofer with your f... 
Magnepan 1.7
I use a PSAudio GCC series integrated. It uses the same ASP ICE modules but apparently different input circuitry. Both amps have a single balanced input....#1, single ended inputs, an additional output (to another amp or sub) and the same frontpan... 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
Crossing over to full range too high a frequency, is guaranteed to give you that bloated feeling. 
Preamp with tone control.
In the '80s, I bought a NAD1700 tuner/preamp.Tone controls were really flexible. 60/125/250 bass and 3k/6k/12k one of each. Also, on the back panel was a 20hz rumble filter and a front panel 'loudness' which boosted bass and treble..... 
Amplifier heat depending on power cable?
The use of a Kill-A-Watt plug in meter will allow measurements as well.Voltage, current, Watts, VA and of course, Power Factor.Cheap and should be in every kit. 
upgrading inductor me and I can help. This is pretty basic. 
upgrading inductor
Same person asking about crossover changes?Iron inductors are OK up until saturation.Please consult an online inductor calculator. some are pretty good. I'll post one later......Yes is the answer to your question. You will need MORE of the lower r... 
tweaking cross over speaker
Are the current inductors air or iron core? Iron core has some theoretical problems....saturation at high levels and such.To get an aircore to match, you'll need to know the DCR of the inductor to be replaced. THAN, spend some time looking at what... 
Wyred 4 Sound.....Anyone?????
2 amps which produce the same power into a resistor may DELIVER way different amounts of power into a reactive load....a REAL speaker! 
Front port vs Rear port
To say it has 'nothing to do with the speaker' is somewhat of an overstatement.See link about damping: some pictures and short text. of room / speaker / amp interactions here, so I would be... 
Maggies with Tubes?
ELECTRICALLY, having moderate phase angles and a flat impedance, there is NO reason maggies and tubes can't play together. 
Magnepan 1.7
And while you're at it, don't forget to listen to the POLE PIECE SIDE.Some preferences there, too.My 1.6s in my room? Tweeter 'in' and PP to listener. speaker toe? 10''48''' 
What stands for Mag 3.6's work well?
Root,Any inert fill in the stands? Not lead...perhaps some kind of dry sand or even cat litter?