
Responses from magfan

quad 2805 vs magnepan 1.7
My non-critical neighbors still have some 301s up on the shelf. I have no idea how often they are used. They sounded quite unlike any other Bose I have ever heard. Minimally acceptable, even. THAT Is what I think the problem with Bose really is. N... 
How can a 40 watt amp outshine a 140 watt amp
Don't forget, Gs5556 (catchy name, BTW!) that the amps under test are NOT run to clipping and are carefully level matched. In real world use, your objection is doubtless correct, but for purposes of this test? I'm less clear.I think all the eviden... 
quad 2805 vs magnepan 1.7
Modded / hotrodded MG1.6 with REAL wooden frames and all-new crossover. 
How can a 40 watt amp outshine a 140 watt amp
I believe in an additional objection to the Richard Clark test method.The Speaker.All speakers certainly do not react the same to all loads. I'm not even talking the difference between speakers which have a preference to current or voltage source ... 
Bookshelf speakers + T-amp for TV Audio
Thanks, Al, I thought i was going nuts.Well, maybe I am, but not for the reason I thought.I, too, hear an echo when playing my stereo speaker WITH the TV speakers. My TV is hooked to the small dish box with HDMI and I can use either unbalanced or ... 
Cambridge Audio 840C
Nish,everything is NOT the same since the player was introduced. I have the software update sitting right in front of me, lacking only the NERVE to plug the darn thing in for the update.You'll need a Windows computer and a Null Modem Serial cable ... 
HRT music streamer & Airport Extreme
I was referring to the Airport EXPRESS which has the huge jitter problem.Stereophile measured it during testing.Sorry for any confusion. 
Most Challenging CD
Gentlemen,No need to use language like THAT, above. I just had breakfast and my stomach knotted up. 'bout lost it.The usual Spam Omelet with Wonder Bread toast. 
I have a pair of B&W Matrix 801 S3 with a non play
Replace caps as both speakers at the same time with the same cap, if caps turn out to be the problem.just my opin.Sand Cast resistors can also crack/break, so inspect them, too. 
Speaker crossover mod. Your advice?
Listen to Al.The advantage of multiple caps in parallel? Lower ESR.The DIS advantage? Lots of space. And, since caps are not 'pure' capacitance, they also have an inductive AND resistive component. Careful consideration must be given such changes.... 
Volume problem with Passive Preamp
Get a resitor DECADE box and experiment with the value until you get the level and range you want.Than, get good resistors of the correct value. 
HRT music streamer & Airport Extreme
The AE also has a gigantic JITTER problem with the digital output. I'm not a fan, but I suspect a 'reclocking' device would help. If I had it to do over again, I'd buy the Apple TV.....Don't forget the 'mini toslink' adaptor. Don't worry about 'au... 
Speaker crossover mod. Your advice?
You might want to consider an all-new layout with point-2-point and terminal strip wiring. You should change those nasty iron core inductors, least for the bass and possibly the midrange. How many layers of conductor does the board have... 
Most Challenging CD
Audiofeil,With All Due Respect, the thread is about challenging for your stereo to play back not a challenge to LISTEN to! Good answer, though!I had a lunatic neighbor a LONG time ago who would stay up late talking to himself and listening to reco... 
Does this device exist?
I use my IMac for the same purpose.AND it connects wirelessly to my stereo thru and AirPort Express, though if I were doing it today, I'd use an Apple TV.Then, from the AE to a nice DAC and use an Ipod Touch as the remote.What could be easier?Back...