
Responses from magfan

Most Challenging CD
I bought the Wellington's Victory disk because the original piece of music had been composed for a music playing machine....a really....really big music box, as it were. The music survives, the machine was never successful.I put the disk on a budd... 
Speaker crossover mod. Your advice?
More capacitor tests than you'd have thought possible..... Try for yourself. Eld is correct. L6 is a roadblock inductor. 
Speaker crossover mod. Your advice?
'Bypass' caps have a following, too.Caps in parallel add value, so if you need 3.6, you can use a 2.7, a 0.82 and a 0.1 equalling 3.62 which is 'over' but well within the tolerance.The stock caps are probably 10% and the Clarity MR are 5% which pu... 
Most Challenging CD
Beethoven's 'Wellington's Victor' has plenty of gunshots...mass musket fire and also a bunch of 12 pounders firing various charge levels. The initial cannon shot at the start of the battle is brutal. This is also a Telarc Disk. I have plenty of di... 
Help Needed Designing an "Amphitheater-Like" House
HIRE an audio design consultant.Anything I....or anyone else, for that matter, would tell you would like as not be simply wrong or incomplete.something like Rives Audio would do. is a pretty deep-pocket approach but w... 
Which Integrated for Magnepan MG-12?
I listened to the 400xi for maybe 20 to 30 minutes at the hi end of moderate levels....the Krell was sitting out in the open on its own stand...nothing near it at all, above or to the sides. The power supply got way hot. I could put my hands on it... 
Magnepan 1.7
Man, what a can of worms! To tilt or not to tilt, that is the question.You're on your own with this one! Some people may even install the spacers on the TOP screws to tilt 'em forward. I run straight up/dn but will build some adjustment into my fr... 
Speaker crossover mod. Your advice?
You may want to consider starting from 'scratch'.Get a schematic even if you have to start tracing wires around.....That board has (GASP!) 5 iron core inductors. In the Magnepan world of DIY, that is one of the first things to go.....change the ir... 
B&K 200.5 S2 Power Amp problem - Please help
For a second there, I though I was unbalanced!Good for you......sounds like it should now, right? 
Which Integrated for Magnepan MG-12?
Maggies are NOT a 'tough load'.Low sensitivity, to be sure, partially made up for by being dipoles. Low reactance, too, which kind of means you don't need hign damping factor amps, (read TUBES). 'd' amps sound good with them. The W4S has balanced ... 
B&K 200.5 S2 Power Amp problem - Please help
First, all your fuses would appear to be 'good'. You ARE getting output from all 5 channels, right?Look at the back panel. There will be a balanced / unbalanced switch near each set of inputs. IF you are using RCA connections, make sure it is set ... 
Magnepan 1.7
Excellent result, Dsper.Just a little messing around and a FREE upgrade. Now, if you're in the mood for some futher furniture moving, try listening to the pole piece side! Again, I prefer tweeters in, but that shouldn't matter to you. Your room. Y... 
Money well spent on Amp or Speakers
The B&W's won't like tubes. Flip the phase switch and see if bass improves. You may be 'out of phase'. There is no 'standard setting'....only what works.Turn the sub OFF until main speakers are adjusted correctly. Than add the sub back into th... 
Oh how I wish Class D amps ...
I'm thinking on Kij's wavelength. I'm a current 'd' owner....some ICE amps, but the Spectron would be on any short list of auditions....and it is a pretty short list. With the black faceplate! 
Diffusers for magnepan speakers
Some like acoustic panels BETWEEN the speakers, on the front wall. Also, if like me, you have a bigscreen TV installed, you are automatically compromised.