
Responses from magfan

power conditioner for cd transport and dac?
I have but 1 conditioner. BUT it has a 400va isolation transformer as part of the deal.All lo-power stuff goes thru the iso, CD and DVD players. Also, the small dish.Since none of those items are ever on together, I don't worry about 100db down no... 
Oh how I wish Class D amps ...
Anybody ever heard the International Rectifier 'd' offering?I've got a stereo module out in the garage needing a +-50 volt ps / case/ and all the wiring / connectors. They sell OEM and I've never seem 'em referred to at all anywhere. 
Pass Labs X250 - Good Match for my Apogee Stages?
A long time ago, a buddy had the Aragon and Stages. Man, was that nice. 
Will Thunderbolt replace all as premium connector?
Un, exactly. Even 5ch audio would be hard pressed to use all the bandwith available in say....Firewire. If I could get the Verizon fiberoptic service, I would. Right now? Copper telephone lines at maybe a a couple meg. Big Deal. Starting in a year... 
DAC's, i'm lost
While I don't have a DAC suggestion for you, I do have something to keep in mind.The JITTER from the AE is terrible. Some DACs simply will not like this device. My CA840 CD player sometimes loses lock on the signal and emits the most awful, finger... 
High-end amplifier clarification?
Weiserb, I kind of like your attitude. Too bad it is uncommon. You see dozens of posts like::'Help me spend 10,000$ on an amp'. No mention of anything else. Just a $ amount. 
Magnepan 1.7
My PERSONAL opinion would be to go to a total reframe in real wood. But that's just me. I would avoid 'bridgework' in the stand and use wood. The MDF of Maggies doesn't accept the vibration from the panel which is where the problem lies.The Mye st... 
High-end amplifier clarification?
Yep, Agree with hodu.Hi-End is the one you can't afford, or perhaps breaks the bank when you DO. 
Damn Apple..a fence sitter's dilemma
BOTH Apple Lossless (ALAC) and FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) can reconstruct a bit-accurate copy of the original in that sense there should be no difference between them.Decoding / CPU overhead? Perhaps an un accounted for factor.My ... 
Damn Apple..a fence sitter's dilemma
Look at some other 'wars' which have been waged over tech.VHS handily beat BETA and now both are in museums. CDs killed 8trk and cassette while eventually being seen to be at the end of THEIR life cycle. I suspect that like Vinyl, CD will always h... 
magnetic important is it?
I'd think the only POSSIBLE problem would be putting a HD within no more than a foot or 2(at MOST) from a non-shielded speaker. CRTs were very sensitive to this because the forces inside the gun were very small. 
How far apart do you position your speakers ?
Same / similar situation to Dave.9 sided, completely asymmetric listening space. My panels are on 1 of the short walls, spaced 30->35" from the 'front' wall and about 6.5' apart, inside edge to inside edge. RH speaker has no wall near the side ... 
Budget Strategies forTightening up Bass?
See the 'nearfield listening' thread over in speakers. Vibrapods implicated in bass issue. For better or worse? 
$2500 speaker threshold
Ridiculous assertion.Gems are found below 2500$ and clunkers above.Than of course, personal opinion and means certainly come into play. The poor starving student will spend 2500$ or LESS on a complete system.Everyone sets the cost / benefit bar wh... 
The most creative word for plywood you know.
Actually, Marty, Marine may actually mean something when attached to 'plywood'.Interior plywood can be pretty much steamed apart. The glue? Minimal tolerance to moisture and don't get it outright soaking wet.Exterior? Upgrade in glue to more wet r...