
Responses from madfloyd

No deep bass or highs: VTF or VTA issue?
I never really directly compared digital to analog prior to adding the sub.I'm now wondering if my problem was simply VTA was off and by changing it I've messed up overhang. 
No deep bass or highs: VTF or VTA issue?
Quick question: when you adjust VTA, can it affect overhang? My brain keeps telling me that raising VTA would pull back the stylus...? 
No deep bass or highs: VTF or VTA issue?
Thanks, Raul. With the Bryston I can easily mute the subs (which I have done at times while making adustments) and of course all sources are going through the same preamp.I thought of switching back to my Dynavector 20XL but it takes me several ho... 
Best Albums of 2008 on Vinyl
I didn't like Steven Malkmus (hated his singing) or Levon Helm and while I've purchased a few of the LPs mentioned in this thread, I haven't listened to them yet (still gotta clean 'em!).I have & like Portishead 3 and love Fleet Foxes. 
No deep bass or highs: VTF or VTA issue?
OK, so now I've raised the VTA much higher (maybe even as high as it goes). I can clearly see the top of the cartridge is on an angle and doing this resulted in a VTF of 1.062g.No mistracking as far as I can tell. Does this sound as whacked as I t... 
No deep bass or highs: VTF or VTA issue?
Just learned something else: when I read that VTF and VTA were interactive, I thought that meant that an adjustment to one may mean that a different value is required on the other. I didn't realize that adjusting the VTA would literally change VTF... 
No deep bass or highs: VTF or VTA issue?
Thanks again for the replies. I lowered the VTF to 1.75 and it's tracking fine. I may try it even lower for the education (especially now with the explanation you provided). Funny, it sounded real good (playing Aja again) but then I made the mista... 
No deep bass or highs: VTF or VTA issue?
Dan: thanks for the white paper, I'll digest it. When I mentioned 'shimmering', I meant the decay of the cymbals (as they vibrate). I think I know what you mean by digital shimmer; I used the term incorrectly.Dre: I really appreciate your post. I'... 
No deep bass or highs: VTF or VTA issue?
I should add that I have no issue with taking my time to dial the TT in with small changes at a time - but when I go to the extremes and don't hear much of a difference, it isn't overly encouraging. 
No deep bass or highs: VTF or VTA issue?
In response to the last couple posts:- My music server is not lossless (shame on me, I know, but it was established a few years back when hard drive space wasn't as cheap). That being said, it's not overly compressed. My recollection is that CDs s... 
Best Albums of 2008 on Vinyl
Thanks for doing this. I enjoy discovering new music. A paragraph describing what made it special to you along with info on the sonics is also much appreciated. 
No deep bass or highs: VTF or VTA issue?
Just reporting on my progress so far:So I've tried both phono stages, I've raised VTA until bass got weak. I tried VTF at minimum (1.8g) and removed the dampening fluid (enough so that it doesn't drip from the arm when I lift it up).All the change... 
No deep bass or highs: VTF or VTA issue?
I've had the pleasure of meeting Nick and heard a TT he set up - both were wonderful. While I like learning about setup myself so I can tinker, try other cartridges, etc, I have no doubt that he'd nail it. Unfortunately I live at least 4 hours awa... 
No deep bass or highs: VTF or VTA issue?
Tried it quickly with the Steelhead and deep bass was present.Still a little dark sounding though, so I think I need to play with VTA/VTF.Thanks to all. 
No deep bass or highs: VTF or VTA issue?
Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.Weird thing about the Rhea, loading doesn't make much of a difference - unlike the Manley Steelhead.