
Responses from madfloyd

Are Wilson Sophia 2's lean in the midbass?
I had my speakers setup by a Wilson dealer, but admittedly he used an approach different from the official Wilson method. I have a couple Real Traps in the corners and I was thinking of removing them to see if I'd get more bass, but some of the po... 
Are Wilson Sophia 2's lean in the midbass?
Btw, when I say 39" I mean from the front wall to the front (woofer) of the speaker (not the back). The depth of the speaker is 18" so it is about 21-22" out.Reason I ask is that with this positioning, there isn't any sense of depth to the soundst... 
Are Wilson Sophia 2's lean in the midbass?
I'm driving them with Theta Citadel 1.5's, MIT cabling.I'd also like to know what you mean by soffit mount. As for the red curve, that should depend on the speaker, no? 
Are Wilson Sophia 2's lean in the midbass?
No, I meant in comparison to other speakers. Do they like to be positioned near the front wall?I have them 39" out from the front wall and if I pull them out more I start to lose body quickly... 
Wilson Watch Center Series I and II???
I'd also like to know! 
The Room, not us, determines our speaker choices
Programmergeek,What size room did you have the 5As in before? 
Rives Audio Consulting - Advice?
I'm glad I saw this thread. I've been racking my brain trying to figure out solutions to my room and was thinking about using Rives but hesitated when I saw the length of the questionnaire.I've never heard of HRS systems, but I'll check them out (... 
I don't think you can't have both. For example, Vandersteen 5As have very articulate bass without the side effect of making the midrange lean or masking the highs. I used to own VR 4.5's that had very flat, articulate bass and extremely warm midra... 
Are Harbeths dark sounding? Is the bass warm to the point of being inarticulate? Do they have any air?I hear lots of accolades but also enough adjectives that scare me off of them. I'm looking for very detailed & airy speaker that has articula... 
Scoutmaster Isolation
I've got a Cloud 9 under my scoutmaster and I still get severe ringing. 
Best high end monitors?
So my search for really good monitors continues. Here's what I have been auditioning:Focal Electra 1007 BEVery nice, but midrange is too lean for my tastes and the tweeter can call attention to itself (pretty much exactly how TAS called it).JM Lab... 
David Gilmour Live in Gdansk
I was there at Massey Hall as well. It was a fantastic concert and a memory I'll never forget.My only complaint (and this is minor with all things considered) was that the kick was mixed way too high - found it slightly uncomfortable and distracting. 
Cartridge setup revisited
Where does one get a helmet magnifier? 
No deep bass or highs: VTF or VTA issue?
So the switch back to the 20XL didn't magically give me more air... I guess that's good in a way. Unfortunately I broke my mint Tractor - cracked it lifting it off the spindle. That'll teach me for being in a hurry. 
No deep bass or highs: VTF or VTA issue?
I was all set to switch back to my 20XL cart this morning. Removed the red cable and noticed the white was disconnected. Made me wonder if it was loose so back the TT went for another listen. Sigh, no change.If anyone is willing to do this test: a...