
Responses from madfloyd

Would a Dynavector XX2 MkII be good upgrade?
Thanks for the responses. I do own a MintTractor and used it to setup my 20XL. I *think* I got it correctly but I had changed cartridges at the same time so couldn't do an A/B test.From some email I received, I understand the XX2 is very finicky a... 
Walker Vortex Vacuum Wand for VPI
Walker Vortex Vacuum Wand for VPI
Update: I did notice that the slit in the tube wasn't oriented perfectly downwards so I adjusted it. Here's what I now experience:I have the height so that I can see the record lift up slightly to meet the tube (which I assume is correct), but I g... 
Walker Vortex Vacuum Wand for VPI
My experience this morning has been dismal.First of all, the slit in the Walker tube is thicker than my VPI tube. I was expecting the opposite (to increase suction).I cannot get a record to vacuum dry. It still looks visibly wet and feels damp. I ... 
Vandersteen 5A
I wish I could audition Vandersteen 5As. I've made a pact with myself not to buy new speakers until I've heard the 5As. Unfortunately no dealers in Massachusetts. :-(I currently have Aerial Model 9s which have 4 bass woofers each (that's 8 woofers... 
Great sounding new vinyl
SonofJim,Where on Better Records' site do you find new vinyl? It seems Tom poo poos every new release and only promotes the old stuff. 
Walker prelude vs. Audio Intelligent
I have a question: is it worth using the full Walker regimen on brand new vinyl? I've been purchasing old sealed vinyl (and brand new pressings as well). I'm just wondering if I'd be wasting these precious fluids on them or whether it's just as ap... 
Walker prelude vs. Audio Intelligent
I just decided to move up as well and ordered the Walker products. Should get them today. Can't wait! 
Turntable upgrade or not ?
I'd be curious to read a description of the sonic qualities/differences between the two TTs (VPI vs Avid).As a Scoutmaster w/JMW Sig tonearm, I'd also be interested in learning more about the benefits of upgrading to a Graham or Schroeder arm. 
which model vpi sds do I own?
Can someone tell me which speed setting you use on a VPI turntable (i.e. which belt position) when using an SDS?Does it matter? 
Store LPs outside of Jacket??
$.99....??? My experience was that one needed to pay somewhere between $30 and $100 for a mint used LP. I've certainly had some disappointments (which is why I now look for sealed copies only) but it was more hit than miss. I think I mostly bought... 
Store LPs outside of Jacket??
Have you found anywhere else to purchase LPs that is better? Lately I've only been trying to limit myself to sealed copies for the same reason. 
Dynaudio or B&W
I tried the (Confidence) C2s. While they had nice detail, they sounded like a bookshelf speaker - very lacking in bass (except for real low bass which was fine). Midrange didn't have any weight and from a timbre perspective, it wasn't even close t... 
Great sounding new vinyl
My copy has been shipped (and I didn't preorder it) so I imagine many must have theirs already. 
Advantages of upgrade from VPI 16.5 RCM
Thanks for the tip about Acoustic Sounds used vinyl. I had considered it in the past but ruled it out due to the lack of grading or info about condition. I will now reconsider.