
Responses from madfloyd

Upgrading from Wilson Sophia 2's?
Thanks for the detailed post, Blindjim; it gives me lots to consider. 
Upgrading from Wilson Sophia 2's?
I recently switched tubes in my Audio Valve Eclipse to Telefunkens and it's sounding pretty sweet. I'm also pretty happy with Paul Speltz' heavy gauge Anti-cables, but since it's not a huge investment, I'm going to try Dave's suggestions of Monste... 
Upgrading from Wilson Sophia 2's?
I'm running 50 foot speaker cables. While the character of the cable certainly comes through at an extreme length such as this, it's not as detrimental as you would think. Every once in a while I move my monoblocks beside the speakers (using 50 fo... 
Wyred 4 Sound STP
I'm still breaking mine in, will report soon. 
Wilson Sasha vs Meridian DSP 7200?
What are the sonic characteristics of Ayre that make them a great match with Wilson? I have Wilsons (Sophia 2's) and currently use Pass amps (which I'm happy with, but I'm curious).Thanks.Ian 
Upgrading from Wilson Sophia 2's?
So you went back for more, huh, Peter? You getting serious?Thanks again to everyone for their thoughts. I agree that a tube amp would probably curtail the edge a bit, but I'd be worried about bass control. I have a VTL ST-150 (that I use in anothe... 
Upgrading from Wilson Sophia 2's?
I had tried some Focals and decided that the Be tweeter is not for me (didn't sound natural to my ears). 
Upgrading from Wilson Sophia 2's?
"Isn't this thread really about justification for buying new speakers?"Justification? No. Changing speakers is not something I would do casually. In this economy it sucks to have to sell gear. It either takes forever or you lose a fair bit. Sellin... 
Upgrading from Wilson Sophia 2's?
Thanks for the responses so far.To answer some of the questions:The room is 14 x 25 x 7.5. It's actually a dedicated home theater. Listening position is the middle of the room (not ideal I know, but I have a riser with second row of seating behind... 
H2O Audio Owners
I can attest that the H20 Fire is a wonderful preamp. I've spent the past year auditioning many preamps and as far as solid state goes, I haven't found anything better. The Fire is incredibly musical, warm and fully fleshed out, with wonderful ext... 
Tubelike SS Power amp
From Tvad:"A tube preamp used with a solid state amp will not produce the same magic."What does everyone else think? I have one system with a SS pre and tube amp, but my other system is the reverse and I find they aren’t that different – at least ... 
Suggest speaker cable for long run...?
Thanks for the responses.It's for both HT and critical listening. I can't fit the amps up front (and if I could I wouldn't want to because my Pass amps glow bright blue...).Unfortunately my speakers are 4ohms (Wilson Sophias). What I seem to notic... 
Can MintTractor be used on a TW Acustic Raven One?
Thanks for the responses, I guess that's what I will do. Here's another question: this is my 2nd Mint tractor (I recently switched tables) and this one has two points along the curve marked - the very outer and the inner (I'm not referring to the ... 
Made in Canada conundrum
Getting stuff INTO Canada is a pain. Getting stuff from there to the USA is simple. 
Steam cleaning records 2
When I steam cleaned, I started at the edge and moved in towards the center but the spray of the steamer would splash upon hitting the LP... I don't see how you couldn't help but get the label wet.In any case, thanks for the response.Ian