
Responses from lrsky

DK Design Group X-Dream - wow
Thanks TVAD,All anyone ever wants is a reasonable chance.Having worked in the industry, I realize what an awesome responsibility it is to make good products then stand behind them correctly.We want first quality products, and good customer relatio... 
DK Design Group X-Dream - wow
As the new owner of DK, which will be announced this next week, I can see from the preponderance of skepticism here that, either people don't believe the reviewer, or they believe he was unduly influenced due to the nature of the review.Frankly, t... 
Please Reccomend Good speakers for $2000 - $2500
My LSA 2's which list for $2KPerhaps the least "hi-fi" sounding speaker of the last 25 years. They sound almost completely organic.Warning!!! Some people will not like them since the tweeter is not spitting high frequency 'noise' at them.They soun... 
Phase Coherence or Time Alignment: Which More Imp?
Was it, the guy who opened the equipment switching company? BTW 1998 was 22 years after THIEL started. 
Phase Coherence or Time Alignment: Which More Imp?
The unit I heard, as I recall, did not have any caps, so it must have been an early version. I do remember the guy, Our tech, waxing over the crossover, talking about its absence of coloration, and again, IF I RECALL, caps.It was, nevertheless, gl... 
Phase Coherence or Time Alignment: Which More Imp?
Suits Me, one of YOUR most obvious and glaring errors, not only proven by my many conversations with him, but archival works available to anyone who wants to, or takes the time to, or has the ability to, understand them.You wrote, as cut from the ... 
Phase Coherence or Time Alignment: Which More Imp?
I happened to hear the Kimber crossover, in what I thought, was 'his' speaker(?), and it sounds like "no crossover at all", the ultimate compliment. Clean clear and without that 'too many crossover parts' haze, created by overzealous engineers who... 
Magnepan Speakers - Ribbon Replacement
This issue, emanates from the orignal factory information, which placed the 'life' of the ribbon at the same time frame as that of a Moving Coil Cartridge, was, I believe their phraseology.The reason is thermal stress. As the energy passes through... 
Jungson 88D vs Dk Design MKII
I own both pieces, (how's that for compulsive)? I don't really think that there is a comparison here. As stated in the mini review that Mark gave, I too concluded that there must be something he left out, since everything he said about the DK, see... 
Phase Coherence or Time Alignment: Which More Imp?
Sorry Bud, what a disgrace to accuse him of graduating from Princeton. LOL! Actually, it was so long ago, I figured I had a fifty fifty shot. Again, what a mind, what a guy. Legends like him will last forever.Years after I opened my store, a guy I... 
Phase Coherence or Time Alignment: Which More Imp?
Trelja long time no write.Yes, Bud was a legend, and old time, old fashioned, 'tell it like it is, kind of guy.Last night when I started writing about how much I loved his speakers, (and owned the ALS30's, I think they were called though my heart ... 
Phase Coherence or Time Alignment: Which More Imp?
My exact comments regarding my opinion of Vandersteen was, that, " I say they sound rather neutral and pleasant."As far as coherence, the initial thought of the discussion, has been lost. It had to do with Suits Me stating that "then says he likes... 
Phase Coherence or Time Alignment: Which More Imp?
Two things really, Suits me. Fried yelled at me constantly about THIEL speakers and their damnable first order crossovers. He did not use a straight 6db per octave crossover as proven on his archived information which I would be glad to send to yo... 
Phase Coherence or Time Alignment: Which More Imp?
I said there are no patent holders on First Order Crossovers, not 'any crossovers', and I didn't mention the Infinite Slope or Ray's special, relatively new crossover, as I recall--the issue at hand though, isn't that no one can patent them, its j... 
Phase Coherence or Time Alignment: Which More Imp?
Dear Josephaud- with my unbridled respect for you, I hubly accept this complement.Thanks, and I look forward to seeing you again soon, (perhaps in Vegas.)