
Responses from lrsky

Bryston VS Musical Fidelity
Tvad,How would you compare the Bryston with the VAC Tube Amp.Forget conventional wisdom and all the techno talk, just, how do they compare? Which is better in your humble opinion, why, and so on. 
Jungson JA88D anyone?
the Krell gear, to me all sounds hashy and hard in the high end, ok throughout the mid, and with tremendous bass slam. I owned the KAV300i for a period, and it melted down, enough so that the factory, to their credit replaced the unit. It was noth... 
Dk Design VS-1 mkII what tubes are you using??
I am using the Amperex and they are virtually magic tsounding compared to the set which comes with them.This amp sounds like the best of all that is good about electronics, sweet smooth, musical, without the overstated lushness,which accompany som... 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
I also think that it would be interesting to put someone in a Mercedes Benz, then a Hyundai Elantra, (or whatever their best is, blindfold them, and ask them to describe their experience--and then tell us if the experience is worth five to six tim... 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
Slappy, as I said, I THINK, not sure, that it was printed in the US Scientific Journal, not sure of the name either, this is one of those things in the dark recesses of a 50+ year old brain. The quote was attributed TO the US Patent office, as if,... 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
I am in virtually perfect agreement with TWL, in his comments. I have always believed that, just because we don't know what to measure for, or precisely how to measure a certain event; this does not mean that it does not exist, nor that it didn't ... 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
Sean,It's funny that you should suggest the 'test'. Years ago, I mentioned to him that cleaning all the connections of his system contact points, and applying Michael Dayton-Wright's Tweak, would improve the sound, and he really got a chuckle out ... 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
Sean, Through the years I have done some listening tests with him and proven that I personally do hear differences, that perhaps he doesn't, or more likely doesn't care to, but to no avail. He isn't an audiophile, and I just need to let that go. I... 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
Naive....Sorry I have a new ergonomic keyboard, and am trying to adjust, plus I am not sure that my spelling is always correct, and being a usually good speller, I don't check as I should, though I outght to start.This has run it's course, and I s... 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
Rsbek,You are right about the 'ignorance is bliss' comment on me.But to clarify; since I rarely read, other than people talk about using 'hospital grade' plugs, on power cords, as to why they are different--what I am saying here is that I personal... 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
I debated 'outing' a personal experience, ie my brother, until I (probably) rationalized, that this is an issue many of us audio crazies have, with friends and acquataintences. But as I read some of the great posts here I realize that I have forgo... 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
Rsbeck, you are being needlessly ugly here.The first things I stated about my brother, above are, and I quote "He holds a Masters Degree in Education, self taught himself regarding computers, enough to become the MIS Director for a school system, ... 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
By the way, how could someone who is as proud as you; enough so to take pictures of your system to show the world, make such a statement of how HE is lucky. I think you and I are lucky to have found something we love so much. 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
I agree to the extent, Holzhauer, only if you think that ignorance is bliss.To never go on a cruise because you are sure without knowing that you will get sea sick, or feel confined on a ship. To not go to Paris, for fear that the ethnocentric Fre... 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
BTW thanks to Lugnut, condescending is a correct description of his attitude, and God is it ever annoying.