
Responses from lrsky

Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
It's funny, this thread conjured up memories of my old store in Louisville.The way I would evaluate anything was first, unkown, as to which was which, then, do an A/B/A. I would make notes sometimes, but usually, and this is a curse rather than a ... 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
I certainly recognize that intelligence insures nothing as it relates to this topic, just to get that out of the way; from an art perspective, Andy Warhol, like him or not, was wildly successful, and had an estimated I.Q. of 85, which places him i... 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
God, I am doing it again. I went to the site in question, and the Cd players listened to were, Krell, Theta, and others of that ilk.I am sure he has plenty of others as 'evidence', but this one caught me by surprise.This is in the upteenth generat... 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
To be the first to answer one's own post seems bizarre, but here is yet another slice of his logic from the same email."While it is unquestionably true that many technical areas have improved, many tests have shown that reports of this early harsh... 
About the preamp section of my integrated
Space, the lack of causes such snafu's. The part about all the dirt is not good. Get some compressed air and clean that out. What is proper, is what works, to keep the signal 'clean' from the front to the back, but that is not always a priority gi... 
Dead 83-yr old sued by recording industry
The person in question was a woman, who, "did not own a computer, was computer illiterate, and wouldn't even know how to turn one on."Yet another 'black eye' on the faces of the RIAA, which could be an acronym for 'really ignorant, arogant a**hole... 
DK Design VS-1 versus 300b sound
The review was incomplete in a big way. The reviewer chose not to try additional tubes, which to me are the essence of the advantage of having such a product. One can change flavors by spending, just a small amount for two relatively inexpensive t... 
DK Design VS-1 versus 300b sound
The DK sounds better "to me" than most separates costing more. I agree with the hostility issue here. Why are people so threatened with something new? I own one, and am not objective now, but I was when I bought it.I have owned many pieces, (you n... 
What speaker after Thiel 7.2?
I personally was trying to give a helpful response, when it seemed to me that I was blind sided, with what appeared to be a nasty comment questioning my honesty. One doesn't have to be sensitive to think that someone is being smug, suggesting that... 
What speaker after Thiel 7.2?
Apparently not. 
What speaker after Thiel 7.2?
David,That has been the official story for at least three years now. That is what I was alluding to earlier.As early as 1998, we (I was still there) were talking about a 3.7, which could employ the coaxial array, and therefore be more in keeping w... 
What speaker after Thiel 7.2?
Chuck,There were rumours of a replacement for the 3.6 when I worked there, back in 1998, so don't wait. (Of course now that I say that, they'll probably release its replacement tomorrow)LOL!The probem we (it was we back then) had, was that the dam... 
What speaker after Thiel 7.2?
The company who actually manufactures the LSA to my design and specs, is a company located in the East, China.They actually make MANY of the products that are in the high end arena today, and most people would be shocked to know just how many are ... 
What speaker after Thiel 7.2?
In your comments you imply, if not assume that Jim intended to make a speaker inferior to the CS5i.The raw truth, from the inside of the company is, that the driver of import, being the coaxial driver, set the future in stone.Because of the radiat... 
What speaker after Thiel 7.2?
Please be kind, when evaluating others, for example, if you think I am above my limits, you obviously don't know that I put together a consortium of manufacturers for the 2004 show for Von Schweikert Audio, which included PS Audio, VAC, Acoustic Z...