
Responses from lrsky

What Speakers Do Audio Insiders Own?
Jim Gandolfini was shooting the movie,"The Last Castle" near Nashville--and wanted music in his trailer for down time between his scenes, so he'd have something to do. He sent in one of his assistants to buy something. I was at the counter and saw... 
What Speakers Do Audio Insiders Own?
Jim came in to see me when I was working at Nicholson's HI FI in Nashville--he was shooting the movie "The Last Castle" with Robert Redford. I sold him a quite a bit of equipment and got him started (as far as I can tell) into audio madness.It's a... 
What Speakers Do Audio Insiders Own?
Jim came in to see me when I was working at Nicholson's HI FI in Nashville--he was shooting the movie "The Last Castle" with Robert Redford. I sold him a quite a bit of equipment and got him started (as far as I can tell) into audio madness.It's a... 
DK Design VS- Reference vs Signature
Dabarrie,Herein lies the reason the tube nay sayers exist (I guess for other reasons too)they can be delicate. Surprisingly, I have dropped tubes,just the other day, clunked them together and so on with no issues. Just bad luck.As to Shari--what a... 
Why should some speakers need a big room?
Rgs92,This won't be quick or easy if its to be explained correctly.Let's start with some basics. The Sound Labs Albert refers to are absoutely wonderful speakers, which create sound by vibrating an extremely thin sheet of Mylar, or at least a Myla... 
DK Design VS- Reference vs Signature
Dabarrie,Please be careful.First bleed the amp down, (playing it softly, turning it off, to drain the power from the output).Then turn off the rear rocker unplug it--remove the top plate--in the rear you will see two tubes, surrounded by 'rings'. ... 
DK Design VS- Reference vs Signature
Actually saying that 'paying $250 a pair is unnecessary' is somewhat misleading.Of course one can get poor quality, or what I consider to be throw away Bugle Boy tubes for the prices mentioned, from ebay or many other private sellers. When buying ... 
Rank Stereophile, & why no Von Schweikert reviews
Trejla,As usual, intelligent, thoughtful,insightful, well prepared thoughts.I would have to believe, based on years of following them that everyone at Stereophile has 'honor' as a mantra. My issue with Stereophile as it relates to 'ranking them' c... 
Speaker Cables for Thiel 2.4
My experience tells me that 'usually'systems sound better when 'all' cables and interconnects are the same brand.I would stick with a Kimber Select.In fact, I lived with an all Kimber Select system for quite some time, and liked it.IF you elect to... 
DK Design VS- Reference vs Signature
Dabarrie,The Amperex allow my system to sound very organic. This is system specific though. As I mentioned, tubes will be viewed differently by listeners experiencing various interconnets, sources, cables, and most certainly loudspeakers.To me, th... 
Rank Stereophile, & why no Von Schweikert reviews
A manufacturer's perspective.We advertise monthly, on the 3rd cover, (inside rear page) at obviously no small expense. We get zero reviews, all the while I see 'endless monthly reviews' on Musical Fidelity. I have no bone to pick with them--yet it... 
Has Anyone Owned Or Heard A Pair Of Watkins WE-1?
I was a dealer for them for a short time back in the 1983 time frame.As I recall they had the Watkins Dual coil (used by Infinity), drivers. Made in Tennessee, by the gentleman who designed that driver. They are flat, kind thick, maybe six to eigh... 
DK Design VS- Reference vs Signature
Dabarrie,I switched the stock tubes in my first MK II, to the Telefunken. That is a good tube, but somewhat lean in the bass for my taste. (Let's face it--tubes allow us to revoice the system, allowing for speaker differentials). For example, a TH... 
Lightning Has Struck
Without more information, and this is merely a guess, it seems that you may have lost some of the midrange drivers, or more in your loudspeakers, as the surge could have passed through the amp then into the speakers.Amplifiers usually just blow a ... 
what is the REAL deal with DK
So that all will know...Daniel Khesin is no longer involved with DK Design, (now LSA Group)in any capacity.Also, I note some inquiries about our new products--if you have any questions please email me--all inquiries will get a response.Thanks for ...