
Responses from lrsky

Subwoofer in the corner? Forget about it
Listen to Warren--do it by ear.You're getting 6db+ of non linear bass reinforcement in corners.Larry 
Which preamp to buy?
Someone has a 17LS conrad johnson for sale on this site. "LS" is the Line Stage designation-. They are asking $2250. not as low as you mentioned. This is a great combo cj and Krell. There are several other of their pre's for sale here. One, I thin... 
Regarding DK Design Vs.1 Reference Mk2 amp ???
Having just purchased the company, I honestly can't address the question...yet...I do know that I plan to put my own stamp on the product, and there will be some improvements, (yes) even yet to the Signature, which will be retro fitted to units so... 
Regarding DK Design Vs.1 Reference Mk2 amp ???
The reason for so many Mark II's for sale, could be the introduction of the Mark III, as TVAD suggested.At least that's our guess. It is always hard to tell, but some of the 'improvements' to the Mark III, inspired by customer input, seems to have... 
Regarding DK Design Vs.1 Reference Mk2 amp ???
Many people are selling the DK Mark II's as TVAD said, simply becaue the Mark III is out.It's the search for the better and best, I guess.Three obvious changes, Better Caps, the Cardas,a variable output for those who want to use a sub (this may be... 
DK Design VS- Reference vs Signature
Mumum,That was my thinking, a unit that would excel in both multi channel, or two channel music, as well as movies.Plus again, being true to our identity.Making a six channel pre stage will take some doing, and perhaps, because of it's physical si... 
DK Design VS- Reference vs Signature
Thanks for the kind words everyone.All we want is a chance to prove that our company will do everything possible to make buying a piece of audio gear, a pleasant experience.Mumum, I have been answering emails sent to the old home office during our... 
DK Design VS- Reference vs Signature
Ctchen,I would think that, owning a DK, with a tube preamp section--you may miss the 'warmth' that tubes offer in the overall sound.To realize the value of tubes in the preamp section, one needs only to 'switch' the tubes for another brand or desi... 
DK Design VS- Reference vs Signature
I too thought that DK's official explanation of Class A versus Class A/B looked , at best murkey or at least somewhat confusing, as I even in light of this 'misinformation trail', purchased the DK itegrated amplifier.Most audiophiles recognize tha... 
DK Design Group X-Dream - wow
Drubin,I have asked previous ownership, to no avail, (people tend to use what is available rather than what may make sense in the morning) why we didn't use the Mark III amp to drive these speakers which are, about 89 db 1W1M in most measuring sit... 
DK Design Group X-Dream - wow
Three months was the requirement to set all the files for the CNC Machine, obviously we won't be looking at that time for future pairs, otherwise why do it?Any CNC companies out there looking to bid this project should email me. Thanks,Larry R Sta... 
DK Design Group X-Dream - wow
Sorry,Virtually everyone--I am swamped, and didn't complete the thought.The industry in general uses MDF, (even I use them in my own line which I developed prior to this purchase.) Sorry for the miscommunication.At THIEL the front of the cabinets ... 
DK Design Group X-Dream - wow
To all the well wishers, TVAD, Trelja, (thanks for the discs) Chadnliz, Boa2, and any I may have missed, THANK YOU.We really will work to gain your respect. Sometimes marketing goes over a line of reality--and given that these are our 'babies' so ... 
DK Design Group X-Dream - wow
Thank you all, so much for the support.Having worked as a dealer for 12 years, then as Director of Sales for THIEL Audio, then President Emeritus, (meaning an unpaid consulting position) for Von Schweikert Audio, I have a good background. Audio is... 
DK Design Group X-Dream - wow
I said I was bailing out, but I feel that it's worthwhile to explain to Boa2.The 2% figure was purely financial.Let's be real, not many people, even the audio enthusiasts on Audiogon are in a position to pay $25K for loudspeakers.It had nothing to...