
Responses from lrsky

DK Design Group X-Dream - wow
Speaking of which...In Vegas one year, I was with a group of guys doing the WCES.A friend and I were waiting for the rest of the guys to show up to go to dinner, as we stood on the perimeter of one of the many casinos.Up walks a young woman in a b... 
DK Design VS- Reference vs Signature
No,I have been in random contact with him.His primary business interests were out of the Audio realm--he recently married, and I believe he consolidated his business efforts in an effort to lessen his work load.Larry 
Preamp Deal of the Century
What about service, if it takes 10 1/2 months to 'get'one. I really don't care if Mick cleans up--I was attempting to not state the obvious, which is how many people don't wait 10 1/2 months, and don't complain on an open forum, they just walk awa... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
The question that begs to be asked here is, "What about service, if acquiring one is this difficult". The First Sound, which I have owned is EXCELLENT, and available on order, with very slight waiting time. (I am not affilliated in any way with th... 
B&W Rip-Off
Judy426,Well, since they sell mega bucks in loudspeakers, the list of people envious of their designs from a purely 'sales' standpoint is undoubtedly huge. So....hmmm, virtually everyone wanting to make a loudspeaker profit might want to 'rip off'... 
Avalon speakers - how much toe-in ?
Rooms are always one of the more important aspects of speaker positioning.Can you tell us room size, how far you are from them, etc?Thanks,Larry 
Jimman,You don't mention what kind of speakers you have.My experience with Mac was that, first the power ratings are into 4 ohms, and are therefore a bit deceptive.What is it that you want 'more of'?As you correctly point out, it is a large price ... 
DK Design VS- Reference vs Signature
Artmaltman,We have two rooms at the WCES in Las Vegas, Room 2002 and 2004 at the St. Tropez Hotel, which is next door to the Alexis Park. We have new products that we are introducing at the show, so it should be an exciting time for all of us at D... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Thanks Kgturner, this is answer I was looking for when I posted, not a bunch of vitriolic name calling and 'agenda' comments.It seems logical that the vast majority of pre's would not do well if dropped, in fairness. My experience tells me that mo... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
The proper response to my question was, "The build quality is......"No agenda, simply a question.Someone recently asked me if I had ever seen the build on a Supratek, that's all. I wondered if anyone could comment on it. I have no doubt that owner... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
What is the build quality of the Supratek versus some of the other similarly priced and revered preamps?My personal experience is with the First Sound (among dozens of more main stream pre's) and this showed me a terrific build, and not a homemade... 
Tyler Acoustic vs. Paradigm
Measuring a loudspeaker at a given input volume of, say 85 db input, from 10Hz to 20Khz does not necessarily give a realistic picture of the corresponding dynamically measured output of the speaker. For example, how different would that same data ... 
A tubes vs. Solid State question.
As usual, Nrchy, most posters on this and similar sites, overstate their preferences such as loving tubes, and 'hating' solid state, condemning those who disagree with them--so your reluctance to be completely forthcoming with this 'admission' is ... 
CD Redbook versus DVD Audio
Just tonight I went back and listened to the Chris Botti, and then to several other regular discs that I have enjoyed many times in the past--and franky felt were mong the top quality recordings I own. I realized that the DVD was better in every w... 
CD Redbook versus DVD Audio
Also, From the 'look' that Botti has adopted, he and Sting use the same people for all facets of personal fulfillment.Dress, hair, (dare I say makeup)etc.Also, and I forget his name, the Guitarist is a solo artist in his own right, with credits of...