
Responses from lrsky

can the VA Beethoven Baby Grands ROCK?
Are you seriously asking if a speaker with a six inch woofer, can ROCK? Really?No.Larry 
AV Receiver good enough for high end audio?
No,ummmm, what, ummm no!Larry 
Does my Pass amp dislike my Meridian preamp?
Atmasphere,I agree 'almost completely', which is to say--like lightning damage, virtually anything can happen--but, as usual, you're a fountain of really, really good information.As to the original's obvious from here in Louisville, ... 
Thiel CS 5i, 7.2. and others
Unsound,One of the salient points I made in other posts was, I used, as a retailer, the Adcom 535 Amplifier, which was rated at 60WPC into 8 ohms. Highish current, but not a HIGH current amp which doubles into progressively lower resistance.What a... 
how does current work in an amplifier?
EXAMPLEThink of it this way--a garden hose of 1" diameter (diameter represents resistance) is presented with X amount of water (water represents current), and under these parameters, waterwill squirt 25 Feet. Let's lower the resistance (increase t... 
My humble opinion.....
Sonofjim,You've hit on the magic of not only Audiogon, but Audio, the High End--everyone's opinion is absolutely correct!A friend of mine went to the RMAF a few years ago and was completely 'aghast at the cocky, banty roosters' that he saw walking... 
Thiel CS 5i, 7.2. and others
Unsound,You might consider, (if your significant other, assuming you have one, I DO NOT at this point in my life) has not probs with a speaker of that size, selling the 3.5's and getting the CS5's. They really are quite wonderful--and I can only i... 
What new tube amplifiers are good for Thiel CS7
Call Kevin at VAC--ask him for his reccommendation. He'll give you the unvarnished truth. He used the THIEL 3.6, a very difficult load, in some design work a few years ago.That, plus after talking to him, likely you'll have a new, very knowledgabl... 
Allison Speakers - Modern Kentucky Company
Aaron,Great clarification. I didn't realize that you actually loved their 'house sound', to me the critical element in making any loudspeaker choice. OF COURSE, if you love the sound, go for it.Good luck.Larry 
Thiel CS 5i, 7.2. and others
Danhirsh,When I said that about THIEL, I was sort of saying it about all loudspeakers. We all have our favorites--maybe a function of our hearing.Being overly sensitive to the high frequencies, I neverthless loved the articulation of the THIEL Lou... 
Allison Speakers - Modern Kentucky Company
Buying for price, not sound, is a risky process.I've always fallen in love first THEN, tried for pricing.Its always amazing to me that someone in a hobby that is generally thought of as borne out of passion, that the 'dollar' would come first, bef... 
Review: Fried Products FRIED Studio 7 Speaker
As a business associate of Bud for several years, and a fan and customer before, I must say that, without hearing the latest offering--if his name is on it, it must be good.If that sounds like heroworship, so be it.IMF speakers, of the late '70's ... 
Thiel CS 3.7 vs Tidal Piano Cera
I would think, (Jim Thiel was my mentor and a great friend for 30 years), that your next step would be into the Sound Labs, which were at least technologically, Jim Thiel's speaker technology of 'choice if not design'. He recognized the inherent p... 
What subwoofer for Joseph Audio RM25si
Without knowing your budget, the 'darling' sub right now, is the JL Audio Subs.A friend just purchased a pair, and they are about as musical as any sub, which is of that size, and highly equalized, can possibly be. Powerful, musical and fast.They ... 
Driving 805s with Mac's 2ohm output
Surprising you'd prefer the 2 Ohm taps. They would give you more bass, but also sound more closed in is what I'm thinking.What are the sonic differences you've noticed, and why do you prefer the 2 Ohm? BTW, there is no emperical right or wrong in ...