Responses from lou_setriodes
Does Anyone Else Member the Golden Age of Audio Insults and Product Degradation? I had a great, under the radar tuner from them, the NEC T-710. The A-7 and A10 integrated amps looked great too as did those mono blocks, M50’s I think? | |
Pre Amp for a PA-7? Duh! How did I not realize that until now PA/CA7, PA/CA5, I still like the minimalist CA5 :) For well under $1K, there’s lots of nice preamps to choose from on USAM now. Classe DR4L, Electrocompaniet Ampliwire IIa, Forte Model 2, Acurus L10, N... | |
Pre Amp for a PA-7? Everything in audio is about synergy between components. Having owned Nak cassette decks but not their separates, I can’t comment on the authenticity of his remarks, other than to say - the Nak preamps were built to augment and work with their pow... | |
Does Anyone Else Member the Golden Age of Audio Insults and Product Degradation? I forgot this one: B&O stood for Barely Operational, not Bang & Olufsen | |
Time/Process of Hooking up New Equipment jji666 - Yes, I’m pretty much the same way. Also, if I open up a box that I just received and if the packing looks suspect, I take tons of pictures as I’m unpacking it - just in case I need to file a claim. | |
Any Musicians Not on Spotify? Excellent suggestion mahler123, thank you. Right after I record the 3 musicians I listed above. | |
Does Anyone Else Member the Golden Age of Audio Insults and Product Degradation? I sold audio gear in retail for a couple of years in the early 90’s in the suburban Philadelphia market. Here’s a few things I remember: 1. NAD stood for “Not Always Defective” 2. Sony ES stood for “Extra Sides” (Our store carried the regula... | |
The one time you want to pull out but she says no. From the title, I really thought you were talking about something else ;) | |
Looking for advice I have a Bluesound Node 2i going onto an AudioGd NFS-1 DAC and Audiolab 6000CDT transport. I was strongly considering a Cambridge Audio transport since I previously had the Azur 840C CD player but the reviews on the Audiolab seemed better. Very ... | |
Tuner choice I’ve been through lots of tuners over the past 40 years, many highly acclaimed by the fm tuner info site. The Sansui TU717 is an excellent tuner that I had many years ago. I much prefer analog tuners to digital ones with the exception of a Merid... | |
Any favorites for cosmetics/design/how a product looks? I like odd sized gear, Brit shoe box sized integrated amps & separates, triangular cassette decks like the one from Yamaha & Nakamichi or top loading ones like the early Tandberg cassette decks, The 200 series of Meridian gear, boxy CD pla... | |
Time/Process of Hooking up New Equipment I also relax and take my time when adding a piece of gear or moving things around to different shelves. Kren0006 - been there, done that too for many years when I was married :) | |
The Audiophile's Wife no longer putting it out? It’s been over 3 months since her last post and I’m Jonesin’ for some new material from her. Grannyring, I hope you and your wife and families are all well, and if so, could you kindly ask her to get busy writing. Her skills are greatly in demand ... | |
Streaming Thru the Cambridge Audio Azur 840C DAC This was an old post, I see the last comment was deleted. The transport in the Cambridge ended up going, so I sold the unit about a year and a half ago.. I got a Bluesound Node 2i and an Audio-gd DAC and an Audiolab 6000CDT, couldn’t be happier…. | |
Personal amp evolution Updated for 2022: Here’s my amp/int amp/rec’r journey from 1984 to 2022: 1. Yamaha M50, crown straight line 1 preamp 2. Sansui AU717 3. NAD 2155, Luxman preamp & Acoustat TNP pre 4. B&K ST140, Acoustat TNP pre, Music reference RM5 mkI... |