Responses from lou_setriodes
Show off! Enya always sounds really good. | |
The Forgotten Good thread here. I’ll add: Dolan PM1 preamp Denessen JC80 preamp Hegeman Hapi-2 preamp Nova CPA-100a preamp Technics SU-9070 preamp Superphon Revelation Basic DM preamp Music Reference RM5/MKII preamp Audible Illusions Uranus 2 preamp M... | |
Best sounding low power (under 80watts) Class AB amp? Motif MS50, early B&K ST140, Bryson 2BLP, Acurus A80, Spectral DMA50, PS Audio 2C+, Hafler DH120, Robertson 4010, Quad 303 & 306, GAS Son of Ampzilla, McCormack Micro Power Amp, Linn LK85, Classe 70, Superphon SA-120, Musical Design D75, M... | |
Kyocera repair/restoration Totally frustrating; the hobbyist I brought it to to get fixed couldn’t fix it and suggested that workaround. Problem was that for every 10 tapes I played, out of haste, 2-3 times I’d forget to do the workaround and it would eat the tape. I now ... | |
Kyocera repair/restoration Had a D-811 also, really liked it a lot but it ate tapes. Had a weird idiosyncrasy that if I hit FF & Rew before hitting play, it worked fine. But if I forgot to do that sequence, it would eat the tape. | |
Kyrocera Home Audio Had their TOTL D-811 cassette deck, really liked it…. | |
Thorens, TD-125 MKII I had a TD-125 mkII w/Rega RB303 arm & Grado Red cartridge. Wish I never sold it, it was amazing. | |
2nd system thoughts on vintage receivers Fisher 500B or C sound amazing! HK 330C was my first receiver when I was 16 years old. The 430 and 730 are great too, some feel that the 15 wpc 330C sounded best, Also very under the radar is Tandberg 3030. They were made in Hong Kong so don’t... | |
"Best" 80's HiFi System Motif MS50 or MS100 w/MC7 or MC8 preamp cj MV50, MV75A1 w/ Premier 2/3 preamp or PV5 Perreaux PMF 2150/ SM2 pre Superphon DM220 / Revelation Basic DM preamp PS Audio 2C+ / IVH preamp B&K ST140 / Pro 10 preamp Moscode 300 / Minuet/Minuet ... | |
Types of Audiophiles @gregchick0 Yes Jewelry!!! I was definitely one of those rotating the volume and source selector knobs in audio stores back then! There was one store in particular in the Philadelphia area, Stereo Trading Outlet, that was like a museum of high e... | |
Bang & Olufsen launch flagship store in the heart of Mayfair Being from Philly, when I saw Mayfair, I immediately thought, Nope! Not in a million years! :) | |
My Amp is good but probably the weak point @jjss49 Ha! I just read your comments and feel exactly the same way. I’d take the weak link Odyssey and dump the Heresy’s too :) Years ago I purchased an early Jeff Korneff 6BQ5 SE integrated from him. Told him I was looking to match it up wit... | |
Recommend a good tube power amp in the 100 wpc range for under $4k @pdreher what is the difference between a RM-9 and the RM-9 mkII? I had an RM 9 many years ago with a RM5 mkII (upgraded from a silver RM5). Great stuff! RIP Roger M. | |
Recommend a good tube power amp in the 100 wpc range for under $4k +1 to those that recommended Music Reference. I was going to suggest a Music Reference RM-9 as well. It will run EL34’s or KT88’s, I believe 6550’s too? Another golden oldie from the 80’s to consider that also gives long tube life is a Berning EA... | |
My Amp is good but probably the weak point I looked at the list of gear and thought the same thing as many here, that the weak link here are the Klipsch’s and the amp is all wrong for those speakers. Sorry, I did not take the time to read all the comments here. I know what I know, and t... |