
Responses from lou_setriodes

New/ used "vintasetage" system
Let us know how it works out.     I have learned to always be very patient when changing components.  Firstly, some things take a long time to burn in and sound right.  Unless it’s tube gear, I leave my stuff on all the time and a lot of times it... 
Affordable SS that sound like Tubes
Many years ago I A/B’d a highly regarded pair of Paoli M70 mono blocks against a B&K EX442 Sonata and was completely blown away with how identical in sound these two amps were and how utterly tubelike the B&K actually was.   The Paoli’s ... 
What's the best and/or favorite piece of equipment you've owned? And do you still own it?
Favorites? Several pieces over the years. AMPS: Music Reference RM9, Mac 225, cj MV50, Custom 6BG6 Conn amp, B&K EX442 Sonata & ST140 PREAMPS: Music Reference RM5 mkII, Museatex AVC-1, Aragon 24K, Superphon Rev Basic DM, Technics SU-9070... 
Acoustat TNT-120 Bias and Offset Adjustment
Maybe see if you can contact Jim Strickland at Hafler/Rockford-Fosgate?  
VANDERSTEEN 2C or CABASSE 321 M3 question
Volume will be limited.  I don’t know how loud you listen or how big your room is but be careful.  Tube amps clip much nicer than SS amps and are harder to detect that they are clipping.  Could ruin your speakers if not careful.  It might sound be... 
VANDERSTEEN 2C or CABASSE 321 M3 question
If you are married to making this amp sound great, I’d sell both speakers and get some high efficiency Klipsch’s, single driver Omegas, or Zu’s. I have a feeling that the Cabasse’s, while at 94 db efficient probably go well below 8 ohms. Klipsch’s... 
VANDERSTEEN 2C or CABASSE 321 M3 question
I have found this on the Cabasse speakers   https://hifivintage-eu.translate.goog/en/dynamic-loudspeaker/1730-cabasse-sloop-321.html?_x_tr_sl=fr&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc   They are rated at 94 db efficient b... 
They appear to have a lot of positive feedback on eBay and it’s only interconnects so shipping from Greece to the US shouldn’t be too expensive.  However, if you want to deal with a US company look into The Cable Company.  thecableco.com   
Omega speakers -- mostly sold out, all the time?
@decooney  I agree with you that I’m also not a fan of someone changing designs all the time either.  However, the Super 3XRS’s haven’t changed at all except to install a superior driver.  I had a pair of them a few years ago; they were quite nic... 
Warm, rich but detailed SS preamp (made you give up tubes)
@roxy54 Thank you so much for the very detailed response. I think it’s a super cool looking preamp, wish I only needed 2 inputs though. I still do vinyl, cassettes, and CDs in addition to streaming. I usually have a tuner too but got rid of it l... 
Warm, rich but detailed SS preamp (made you give up tubes)
@roxy54  Have always been curious about that little Morrison Elad preamp, looks so cool!  How is it & what did you use it with?  
Amplifier for Cornwall IV
A low powered SET tube amp is the best amp for Klipsch’s, period.  But if you definitely want to stay away from tubes, then go with a low powered class A amp.  A pair of Amp Camp monos will do the job really well or a Class A Monarchy amp.  
Looking for an Amp Replacement
I’ve been to a couple shows years ago that had Shahinian speakers featured and they were always coupled with high powered Bedini amps, so I believe he voices his speakers with those amps. I believe the large Bedini’s may be Mosfet amps so I would... 
When are speakers considered Hi-Fi and not Mid-Fi???
If you are considering Cornwalls & Maggie’s, then something is amiss.  Cornwalls will sound super hi end if you run a low powered SET amp on it & Maggies like lots of power.  Forget about all the other stuff about other peoples opinions on... 
Zoomer needs help navigating 50's-80's Hi-Fi equipment
@pauly Agree 100%