Responses from lewm
No right channel in new cartridge "Check the resistance on the right channel take your ohm meter and touch the positive probe to the positive pin on the cartridge and the negative probe and touch the negative pin on the right channel." As has been pointed out to the OP, this is n... | |
JVC TT-101 Won't Stop My own TT101 turned out to have a tiny crack in one of the PCBs which was finally diagnosed only after what had been an intermittent problem became a constant problem, enabling JP Jones of Fidelis Analog to sniff it out and repair it. But the def... | |
Recommendations for an MC cart on Audiogon tochsii, After what you've just been through with a defective cartridge, it is hard to believe you would even remotely consider buying a "Benz from China". Or any cartridge of any kind ever, from China. Unless you live there.Benz is also the las... | |
No right channel in new cartridge Audio Technica, Dynavector, Ortofon. Those are all excellent old-line brands with high reliability and known for their no-nonsense presentation of music. I own at least one of each of the above, so I am speaking from personal listening experienc... | |
No right channel in new cartridge My point is that I do not think you can blame the seller for the malfunction of the cartridge, fairly. Because something may have happened to it in shipment or during set up. So after you found the problem, the seller seems to have acted honorabl... | |
Dynavector cartridges, old and new It’s 6 months later. I am really really really going to mount my 17D3 in my new Yamamoto CF headshell and then install it on the same DV505 tonearm that now bears the ART7, TODAY. Honest.After some break in time, I’ll report here on the comparison. | |
Would you use an Ortofon A90 on a Jelco tonearm? Just for the heck of it, I re- read most of these posts from more than a year ago. It was interesting to see the prevailing arguments about re-tipping versus not retipping as they were hashed over back then. Nothing has changed. But one thing I f... | |
No right channel in new cartridge It’s probably a good idea to get your money back before you insult the seller via the Internet. I’m sure he can read, too. | |
No right channel in new cartridge If you got your money back, or if you eventually get it back, I wouldn’t condemn the seller. It is very plausible that the cartridge worked fine in his hands, both channels. | |
No right channel in new cartridge tochsii, It's going to cost money if you initiate any action with SS or VAS, so be sure in advance that the seller will cover those costs. After all, you are doing him a favor as well; he needs to know what's wrong, so he can make an informed dec... | |
Do 45 rpm 12" LPs really sound better than 33 rpm? Your “tests” prove nothing that anyone else can use for guidance. | |
No right channel in new cartridge Chakster, is there a website where defective cartridges are sold exclusively?i just wonder how you know so definitely the value.tochsi, my own opinion of the sumiko is not high, even with 2 good channels. Do what you like, but I’d take the opportu... | |
Do 45 rpm 12" LPs really sound better than 33 rpm? I'm glad most people agreed with Mike Lavigne, even though I said it first. I don't care if Mike gets the credit; Mike is good company in a discussion of this sort, because he has heard more "stuff", both software and hardware, than most any of u... | |
Do 45 rpm 12" LPs really sound better than 33 rpm? The discussion is degenerating into a series of inconclusive anecdotes. If you take the single master tape from a modern studio and from it create both a 33 and a 45, on the same lathe using the same source of vinyl on the same day and then play t... | |
Do 45 rpm 12" LPs really sound better than 33 rpm? Differences that favor the original 33 version over the re-issue 45 version could of course be related simply to the quality level of the respective manufacturing processes. Those are variables we cannot control for, and the data are worthless fo... |