Responses from lewm
Linear tracking turntables, whatever happened? First of all, what makes you say that the idea of linear tracking is dead? While there are not many all in one linear tracking turn tables on the market these days, there are still several high-quality linear tracking tonearms available. And as s... | |
Sony PS-X9 True that. I’ve only ever seen it in photos. JP Jones owns one I think. Perhaps he has an informed opinion. | |
Sony PS-X9 As a person who owns several rare top-of-the-line direct drive turntable‘s, I am not at all sure that $13,000 is the right price for the PSX9. That is for you to decide. However, I can say that I paid about half that much for an NOS technics SP 1... | |
AIR TIGHT PC-7 with Shindo preamp. I should have mentioned it the first time, but the only other missing piece of information is the turns ratio of the SUT. I am guessing it might be as low as 1:5, which means that 1mV turns into 5mV at the secondaries, similar to the output of an... | |
AIR TIGHT PC-7 with Shindo preamp. Try it, since you already own the SUT. By the way, I would say that 7 ohms is fairly low internal resistance, compared to many other MCs and to all other higher output cartridges. The other question is what is the output of the PC7, compared to ... | |
Cartridge Upgrade ...AT ART-9? Are B&O p-mounts compatible with the SL15 tonearm? If so, then SS would be a source as well. | |
Cartridge new or used ? I've got a lab grade microscope in my workshop, and I use it to look at styli from time to time, just for entertainment value. The conclusion I draw from looking at new cartridges, cartridges I bought new and which have been used only for a few h... | |
Best turntable and arm under 10k? Without bringing up turntables you didn't mention, I'd go for the Kuzma Ref, among the ones you named. | |
What do you mean you “heard” the turntable I agree with the general sentiment that most people are flippant in their rush to judgement of turntables, but not only turntables. Most statements of audio preference would not stand up to even pseudo-"scientific" scrutiny. I try to grin and bear... | |
SPL Phonos Phono Preamp Audiofun, you had me interested until you started talking about fuses. Have beeswax fuses passed UL testing? | |
Fidelity Research 64s vs Jelco SA-750e You’ve got a nice system of high quality, so I suspect you would hear and appreciate the difference between the two tonearms. Not that there is anything wrong with the Jelco. The Koetsu would also benefit from any added effective mass, since I sus... | |
SME Armboard for Triplanar If you cannot remove the SME mounting board, which presumably is cut to accommodate an SME tonearm, then you might be able to mount a TP directly onto that surface, if you can line it up so the holes needed to fasten the TP to the surface of the m... | |
Manley Chinook Owners - Loading for a Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC Star - Need Help Please Also, the manufacturer of the cartridge is “suggesting”. | |
Help- Review on Phono Stage At that price point, I’d go solid state: iPhono2. | |
Kuzma/Koetsu feedbak?? Not qualified to comment on clearaudio tts, except to say that I’m a direct- or idler-Drive guy. |