

Responses from larsman

@thyname - thanks for telling me - how am I supposed to know which way they go if there are no arrows?  
Based on everything I've been reading here, I just took delivery today on a pair of Prima Mk II speaker cables; if they sound anything like what they look like, I should be in for a treat once they break in! These are so much thicker than the Morr... 
Introspective of this forum: "Does the Audiophile Community Have a Promlem?" I Say yes!!!
@jerryg123 - I've had type 2 diabetes for over 20 years, so you're a little late in wishing it on me....   
Introspective of this forum: "Does the Audiophile Community Have a Promlem?" I Say yes!!!
That thick, bready stuff in Chicago is PIZZA? 😂 NYC cheese pizza = the best!! 👍🍕🎧  
The Boss is the Bo$$
It might be interesting to see what commercials and ads Springsteen songs start showing up in....   
The Boss is the Bo$$
@mrkillius + 100  
Why Are People So Concerned About How Others Spend Their Money?
 Perhaps some people like the idea of having influenced somebody in how they spent big $$$ on a purchase?  
Brian Eno's Turntable Design
@bdp24 - Some guy DID say that - look farther up the thread. I don't know how quoting what some guy said is 'not intellectually honest'. Somebody had no idea who Eno was yet complained about his music. I for one don't care one jot what Art Dudley ... 
Brian Eno's Turntable Design
@falconquest + 1 - I'm a huge fan of Brian Eno's first 4 albums; not into the ambient stuff, but those first 4 are superb works of musical art.... Lots of other artists have appeared on Eno's albums, for sure - and don't forget one of his main par... 
What's All The Fuss And Big Deal About Roon About Roon Being A Must-Have??
I'd consider it more 'might want to have' rather than 'must have'....  
Why recordings made before 1965 sound better.
They don't sound better to me, because I don't like most music recorded before 1965! 😁  
How much gear do you own?
Too much!! Yeah, I've got multiples of amps, headphones, speakers, cables, tubes, etc etc etc... Some are up for sale now on Audiogon or USAudiomart, and some need to be!  I've got so many empty boxes for gear in storage right now, 'cause they won... 
How eclectic is your taste in music?
I am 70 years old and like punk, post-punk, 'indie', intelligent metal, roots and dub reggae, some hard rock, some 'pop' for sure, some hip-hop. I don't dislike classical music as long as it's instrumental. But I don't much care for jazz, country,... 
The Boss is the Bo$$
@artemus_5 - whenever I hear somebody described as having 'saved rock and roll' or some such nonsense, I just laugh. Rock and roll was not waiting around for Broooooce or anybody else to save it. Didn't need saving....  
The Boss is the Bo$$
Saw him twice on the 'Born To Run' tour and once on the 'Darkness' tour, and that was it - awesome, 4-hour performances, but I got what I needed. I don't think I've ever owned any of his albums, though. Got a lot of respect for him, just not my st...