

Responses from larsman

Your last concert was to see who and when?
@rpeluso - I've been experiencing the same thing; so many shows this year that I would have jumped on tickets immediately in another time, I'm just passing on now. Just too wary of a lot of people packed together inside. And I turned 70 last year,... 
Hot Rats
@crimsoniter - I agree; I think Dweeze is better than his dad, but being taught by folks like Steve Vai and Joe Satriani (I think I've got that right), and his heritage, not surprising how good he is. And he doesn't use wah-wah as much as his dad.... 
New In 2022
@bdp24 - again, thanks for that rundown, and I'll let Kevin know what you told me. Kevin was prematurely bald and had a beard and had a great DJ-style voice. After he left Banana Records, he went to work in sales for Capitol Records and then reloc... 
New In 2022
@bdp24 - hey, man - thanks for that rundown. The Donuts sounds vaguely familiar as I used to be a regular denizen of the Mab from when they started doing punk gigs in '76 till around '79 and the atmosphere started getting more 'aggressive'. This w... 
@jw944ts + 1  
New In 2022
@bdp24 - What band were you in back then? I might have seen you at some point! Also, that 8-CD Little Feat set is 4 complete concerts....   
Vacuum Tubes - Chinese knock offs being sold as NOS?
I always buy tubes from Brent Jessee - his recommendations have alway been spot on so far, and while he isn't the cheapest, I can trust him....   
Dynaudio - Made in China vs Denmark
@peter_s + 1 @nonoise + 1  
Are there any happy long-term owners of the Focal Elex/Clear/Utopia?
I've had Utopia for over 2 years as well - works great!!   
Chord Hugo2 as headphone amp
I'd say if you like the sound of their DAC's, you might very well like the sound of the amp, though you can certainly do better with a separate one for not too much more. I've had Hugo 2 and DAVE, but ended up selling them as the general 'Chord so... 
Michael Fremer leaves Analog Planet
@bdp24 - 'who can afford the products he focuses on'? Enough people, apparently, for these products to be made and sold and the companies doing so appearing to be doing well. There are plenty of products that I cannot afford, but I'm good with o... 
Need suggestions: High pitched female singers
Kristeen Young - she's made 11 great albums over 25 years and nobody's heard of her, but she's the deal as far as writing, singing, arranging, and producing....New album coming out this Friday!   
Selling gear with TMR
I just sold them 2 pairs of headphones and a phono preamp, and I am totally pleased with the transaction, which went very easily and smoothly - highly recommended! Sure, I could have gotten more if I waited for an offer on Agon or USAM, but I'd ra... 
A perfect song? What are your choices?
@vonharaland - ... and that's 'Search and Destroy'.... "I'm a street-walking cheetah with a heart full of napalm...." - Classic....  
KLH Model Five
I got a pair of those early in the year, and I love 'em!!!! Even at the increased price, they are a steal.... I watch YouTube vids on my big TV, so I'll look for your review on there!