

Responses from larsman

Hot Rats
@bdp24 - respectfully disagree, but only about Zappa....  'Grand Wazoo'! I dont know why I couldn't remember that name, but that's actually my fave FZ instrumental album, more than 'Waka Jawaka' or 'Hot Rats', both of which are also wonderful.   
Please Support Music Education
@jim5559 + 1 @bkeske + 1  
Politics and Music
@scott22 + 1  
Politics and Music
@bdp24 - you forgot Kid Rock Old Man Pebble....  @bondmanp - why should an entertainer's opinions on politics or anything else be worth less than the opinion of a computer programmer, a banker, a fireman, you, or anybody else?   
Wall Art
Well, since you asked, I was a concert photographer through the 1970's in the SF Bay Area, and have a lot of photos of a lot of bands who came through. I've got an Etsy store called 'MyPixRock' and have 8.5x11, 13x19, and 17x22 prints available.   
Hot Rats
Hot Rats is great, and I love 'Willie the Pimp' with Capt Beefheart. But I like 'Waka-Jawaka' even better than 'Hot Rats'. I've seen Dweezil a few times, and that guy can SHRED; I prefer his guitar playing to his dad's, as it doesn't depend on wah... 
Politics and Music
Great music can certainly be transformative in how we view the world. For me, that happened with Zappa's "We're Only In It For The Money", which I first heard back in 1969; came a bit late to that party!  Bob Dylan likely changed a few folks' vie... 
A perfect song? What are your choices?
@mitchagain - 'I'm On Fire' by Dwight Twilley Band? Great choice - what a wonderful power-pop song that was!   
A perfect song? What are your choices?
@thecarpathian + 1  
Pet Sounds: Most Overrated Album of All Time?
@johnto - indeed, Brian Epstein was the manager and had nothing to do with the recordings. Martin and Emerick it was!   
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
@dayglow - indeed, the Doors had a unique signature style that I was totally in love with. Plus those were great records to sing along with 'cause Jim sang in my key!   
Cheap hearing aids?
Those cheap things are not 'hearing aids', they're 'hearing amplifiers', which is why they are cheap (I wear hearing aids, and I did try a hearing amp once to see what it was like; I returned them). Real hearing aids are totally adjustable by a tr... 
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
@dayglow  - and on those early albums on Verve, FZ's 'attempts' at being 'clever and unique' were 100% successful and then some, in my view. I enjoyed the few after that as well, including the instrumental albums 'Hot Rats' and 'Waka Jawaka'. But... 
Chris Blackwell Is Music’s Quietest ‘Record Man.’ His Artists Speak Loudly
Some artists aren't that fond of him. Reggae great Lee 'Scratch' Perry sings about 'Chris Blackwell from Black Black Hell'. But there are not too many record execs who are universally loved by all....   
I'm at the pearly gates and they tell me I can only bring in one jazz cd
If the only thing they'd let me bring in was Jazz, I'd turn around and go the other way - what's the expression? "The devil's got all the best music!". For my tastes, he does!